
Chapter 187 - The Yang Family Secret: Part-2

Jason looked at his dad with a surprised expression on his face. He didn\'t expect him to have an outburst like that.

Jason\'s mom took the empty bottle of soju out of her husbands hand before patting him gently on the back.

After a few minutes the sound of snoring could be heard as Jason\'s dad had fallen asleep as he leaned back in his chair.

Jason\'s mom sighed "The last time your dad was like this was a few years ago. You were spending the night at your Uncle Jin\'s and one of your dad\'s old friends reached out to him.

Everything was..... for the most part alright. That is until they started talking about your grandparents. I know that you might think that we\'re overreacting Jaya.

I\'m sure that even at your age you know about the cultural stereotypes about being Asian and having Asian parents.

Strict parents and physical discipline aren\'t inherently bad. I can\'t say that it is because I\'ve had friends who had strict parents who also used physical discipline and they were perfectly fine.

But your father and I came from very broken homes. Not in the sense that our parents got divorced or one of them was never around.

But in the sense that the family itself was broken. Your father used to play the piano did you know?"

Jason shook his head "Dad used to play the piano? But he hates pianos. Every time he hears them on TV he has to change the channel."

Naomi rubbed her husbands hair as he slept. Her fingers gently playing with his soft black hair as she occasionally cleared the loose strands from his face.

The way she looked at him made it seem like she wasn\'t looking through current lenses but through ones tinted by the past.

"That\'s because your father was forced to learn to play the piano at a young age by your grandparents.

Your uncles and your aunts on your dad\'s side were all gifted. One of them was a nationally ranked tennis player, the other a ballerina, a violin player, top ranked swimmer, they all had trophies and awards lining their rooms.

But your father.... As he would say was "Painfully normal" Despite how me and other people viewed him the years of being told that he had no worth had burrowed their way deep into his mind.

He had truly come to believe that he had no redeeming qualities what so ever. The fact that his parents were emotionally detached didn\'t help either.

The only time he heard from them was whenever he was asked why he couldn\'t be as gifted or as hard working as his siblings or whenever he would get a beating.

The black eye that your father had gotten was from his dad but that wasn\'t the first time that something like that had happened.

There was another time where your dad had his lip busted open by your grandpa and the reason behind it was that your dad had made a mistake during his recital.

Your grandfather was furious. Your dad was beaten because he had embarrassed himself and your grandfather.

Ever since then that moment would be used to remind your father that he wasn\'t as gifted as his siblings.

Imagine being the eldest child but everyday you were told and reminded that you were the lousiest out of all your siblings.

As for me there were times in high school where I had to make sure that I covered up my arms and legs just to hide all the belt marks.

But the worst part of our lives wasn\'t the physical punishment. After so many years you begin to grow a tolerance for the pain.

What you don\'t get used to is having to feel worthless and unloved everyday." As she said that tears began to trickled down the sides of her face.

It took her a moment and a few deep breathes to regain the composure necessary to continue talking.

"That\'s why I didn\'t want you to go to New York. I didn\'t want you to meet people, that are your own flesh and blood, that would tear you down and make you feel insignificant.

All your life me and your dad have tried our best to make sure that you felt loved and cared for. That\'s because we know how much it can hurt when you don\'t.

I didn\'t want you to meet people who are supposed to be your family but are actually the ones who would hurt you the most.

Because the words and distain of strangers might sting for a moment but when it comes from the people who are supposed to care for you it hurts so much more.

That\'s part of why your dad and I left. Despite all the threats that our parents threw our way we didn\'t want to lose you and we didn\'t want you to have to deal with those kind of toxic people."

Jason was silent for a moment. He then stood up from his chair and walked over to the other side of the table.

He hugged his sleeping dad and his mom "It\'s okay mom. Even though I saw a new side of you and dad tonight it didn\'t shake the love that I have for the both of you.

If anything it just made it stronger. Now that I know what you and dad had to deal with it just makes me appreciate how awesome you guys are even more."

She hugged him tightly "You are such a sweet kid you know that? I don\'t know what your dad and I did to be blessed with a boy like you."

Jason smiled "I think I\'m the lucky one if you ask me. Dad is one of the best cooks out of all the parents I\'ve met. The only one that can give him a challenge is Aunty V.

And your a great mom. I probably don\'t say it that often but that\'s just because I feel like it\'s so obvious. You\'ve been there whenever I\'ve needed you."

Jason then walked over to his dad as he woke him up "Come on dad. Let\'s get you to your room." He smiled at Jason after his eyes opened up "Thanks Jason."

He leaned against Jason as he helped him stumble his way to the bedroom. After a few minutes Jason walked back out.

He smiled at his mom "Good night mom." Just as he had turned around he heard his mom\'s voice "Wait Jaya! About the training camp."

Jason turned around with a hopeful look in his eyes. His mom smiled after seeing the look on his face "Your dad was right.

We can\'t live life to the fullest if we let our fears control us." Jason\'s eyes went wide "Does that mean?" 

Jason\'s mom smiled back "Yes. You can go to the Nike training camp in New York." Jason pumped his fist excitedly "Yes!!!"

- - -

The next day. Jason, Kyle, and Samantha were sitting around one of the tables at the food court of the mall.

Jason slurped up the last remaining bits of his strawberry milkshake through his straw "So I got the go ahead from my mom and dad. How bout you Kyle?"

Kyle threw a French fry into the air and opened his mouth as he caught it "My mom was cool with it after I told her that you were going. 

Tory was the only one who was kinda bummed out. She was complaining about how she wouldn\'t have anyone to bug if you and me go to a training camp in New York for a week."

Samantha started to laugh "That sounds just like her. Outside of practice and working out does she do anything other than hang out with you guys?"

Jason and Kyle both shook their heads. Jason stretched as he yawned "Tory isn\'t in to the kind of stuff that most girls her age are in to.

That combined with her pretty face just makes it so that it\'s hard for her to get along with most girls her age.

As for guys they\'re normally intimidated by her six pack and the fact that she\'s a 5\'10 female with deadly fighting skills."

Kyle nodded his head "Yeah, plus she\'s super competitive and talks a ton of trash. She was playing a fighting game with me in my room and she was talking nonstop."

Samantha was on her phone as the two boys talked. After Kyle finished talking Samantha\'s eyes went wide as she then turned her phone around to show to the two of them.

"Check it out! There\'s a video of Jason that was posted last night. It already has 200,000 views!" Jason and Kyle watched as a video of him playing basketball at the park played on Samantha\'s phone.

Kyle laughed "You are one lucky guy. Your fans love seeing anything with you in it. Even if it\'s just you casually hooping at the park."

Jason shrugged his shoulders "It\'s probably because they haven\'t seen anything from me in a while. Now that I\'m not in any tournaments my screen time on Through the Hoops has been pretty short."

Samantha pulled her phone back to her as she cheerfully suggested "You should post something for your fans. How about telling them that you\'re going to the Nike training camp?"

Kyle nodded his head "The papers that the Nike rep gave us did say that it was okay to post about the training camp online. As long as it doesn\'t fall under slander or anything like that."

Jason thought for a moment before nodding his head "Sure, why not." Jason then stood up and took a picture with Kyle.

The two of them were smiling as Kyle threw up a peace sign. Along with the picture Jason posted \'Just hanging out with @Kyle_Shinobi. Enjoying our free time before we head out to New York for the Nike training camp.\'

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