
Chapter 95 - Training Camp Continues

Justice jumped out of his seat when Jason slammed his hands down on the table "What the hell!? You good bro?"

Jason realized what he had done and awkwardly smiled "Sorry. I just remembered something really important."

Jason sat back down and started uncovering the plates that were on his tray \'My height is easy to fix with the system.

And although I haven\'t used it I know that I can put the points towards my athleticism as well. Now the only question is can the system help with my hand size and wingspan?\'

After removing the foil from his plates Jason started to drool. On one plate was a leg and thigh of grilled chicken with some light barbecue sauce. As well as a few slices of roasted beef covered in brown gravy.

On the other plate was a mixture of veggies and corn cooked with some butter. Jason took a big whiff of the aroma coming off of the plates.

He then uncovered the bowl that was on the side of the tray and found that the bowl was filled with berries that were lightly drizzled with condensed milk.

Justice stared at Jason\'s tray before complaining "Man, that is so bs. I get that super star treatment is a thing. But they could have at least not made it so obvious. You want to switch trays Jason?"

Jason chuckled before taking a look at Justice\'s tray "I don\'t think so Justice. I\'m good with the tray that I have.

And I think you\'re overreacting a bit. Your tray doesn\'t look bad at all. Grilled salmon fillet with fried rice sounds pretty dang good. The only thing you\'re actually missing is the dessert."

Justice covered his face with both of his hands "But that\'s the best part! You eat your meal with the expectation of having that kick of sugar at the end. Without it the whole thing seems kinda pointless."

Jason laughed before starting to dig into the meal that was prepared for him. During the meal Justice and Jason talked and laughed.

While they were talking Jason was actually using the system. He opened up the menu and began looking at the different options for using his body modification points.

\'No no that\'s not it. Yes! There we go.\' After a bit of looking Jason finally found what he was looking for.

[Wingspan D-

  Hand size D]

 It was under the same category that Jason had gone through multiple times in the past to acces his expected height. But unlike the expected height function there were a few differences.

With the expected height there was a clear measurement that was showed and the value of the points spent were detailed.

But for wingspan and hand size there were just letter grades and it didn\'t tell how many points you had to spend or how much they would increase from the points spent.

As he continued to think about the system Justice told Jason about how the group training went after he left and how everyone was curious about the test.

After hearing how the rest of the training went after he had left Jason was glad that he had decided to take the test that Kawhi had offered.

The 13 and under group spent the majority of their time doing more basic drills before doing a full five on five scrimmage before lunch.

Jason finished all the food that was on his tray as he then began to pat his stomach. Just as he was taking a moment to enjoy the feeling of being full the doors to the Canteen swung open.

It was one of the trainers. The chatter inside the Canteen immediately died down as everyone focused their attention on him.

The trainer coughed to clear his throat before starting to speak. "Alright guys. I hope you all enjoyed your lunch.

In ten minutes we are going to be resuming the training. I\'ll be back to take you guys back to the gym in ten minutes."

Everyone thought that the trainer would leave the Canteen as soon as he was done giving his message.

So they were all slightly surprised to see him walking toward one of the tables. He made his way to Jason.

"Mr. Kawhi told me to let you know that you will be joining the 16 and up group for the next segment of the training camp."

After saying that the trainer turned around and made his way out of the Canteen. The room had been quiet so just about all of them had heard what the trainer had said.

As soon as the trainer left the entire room erupted into an uproar as they began to talk about Jason being moved up to the 16 and up group.

Justice put his hands on Jason\'s shoulders as he began to shake him furiously "Brooo! You did it! They actually moved you up to the 16 and up group!" 

Jason nodded his head as he tried to free himself from Justice\'s grasp "I don\'t know why you\'re so surprised. I told you that I did pretty well during the test."

Justice paused as he smiled awkwardly "I know that you said you did alright. But to be honest I still wasn\'t to sure if you were going to be moved up to the 16 and up group.

But I should have never doubted you. I have learned my lesson. I will never doubt the abilities of Riverside\'s youngest star ever again."

Jason just chuckled as he listened to Justice complimenting him. After a while the trainer came back to bring the kids back to the gym.

After making their way to the gym Jason and Justice said their goodbyes as they went toward their respective groups.

The 16 and up group spotted Jason as he made his way toward them. Half of them stayed silent as they pretended to not notice him.

While the other half of the group began to clap and cheer for Jason. Some of them even stood up as they awaited their newest addition to the group.

Nav had a huge smile on his fave as he extended a hand out toward Jason "Welcome back man. I knew it was just a matter of time until you ended where you really belong."

Jason stuck his hand out for the handshake and was immediately pulled into a bro hug by Nav.

Jason chuckled "Thanks for the vote of confidence Nav. Too be honest I wasn\'t all that sure if I was going to be able to convince them to move me up to this group. I guess I must have done something right."

Nav guides Jason to the spot that he had saved just for him. Jason sat close to the center of the group.

After getting comfortable Jason turned toward Nav and asked "Any idea what we\'re doing next?"

Nav smiled again as he answered "These training camps been following the same schedule ever since I started I done started going back in the eight grade.

I know what\'s coming next but I don\'t wanna spoil the surprise for you little man. Y\'all heard that? I don\'t want to hear any of y\'all talking bout it.

If any one of you mofos spoil it for Young Buckets over here don\'t be surprised if I smack you upside the head."

The rest of the group smiled and laughed as they promised Nav that they wouldn\'t spoil the surprise for Jason. 

After a few minutes the trainers were able to organize all of their groups and get them settled down in the gym.

As they all sat on the floor the kids all had different expressions as they waited for the next part of the training camp to start.

The younger kids who had never attended the camp before were all confused as they waited. While the older kids who had been to the training camp before all had excited and expectant looks on their faces.

After ten minutes of waiting, although for some it felt like an eternity, the doors to the gym opened as a group of people walked in.

But as impressive as their resumes were there was only one person in the group that everyone in the gym was focused on. Kawhi Leonard.

The rest of the group stood to the side as Kawhi made his way to the center of the basketball court. All the kids gazed were fixed in him as he walked nonchalantly.

After reaching the center of the court, with all the kids around him, Kawhi clapped his gigantic hands together before looking over the crowd of kids.

"First of all I would like to thank you all again for accepting the invitation to my training camp.

I started hosting these camps because I wanted to make sure that I do my part in making sure that young talent has the best resources available to them.

And although it is true that I am a little greedy in hoping that the talent that will become the future of the sport comes from my hometown it still comes down to nurturing the next generation.

So for this next part of the camp I will be personally guiding your training and providing my knowledge and experience for the sake of your development."

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