
Chapter 180: - Who Will It Be?

“Why are you hesitating? Didn’t you promise you’ll share a drink with me tonight?”

As Frey hesitated, Kania smiled and asked.

“Is there a reason to suddenly break that promise?”

“Well, i-it’s not that…”

“Then why are you hesitating?”

With a corner of her mouth lifted, Kania whispered in Frey’s ear again, quickening his heart.

“…I can hear your heartbeat, Young Master.”

Until then, Kania had only been clinging closely to Frey, but now she could also sense the pounding of his heart as if it were her own.

“I can not only feel Young Master’s warmth, but also your thoughts and emotions.”

Saying that, Kania pressed her abdomen and chest even closer to him.

“Then, tell me, what’s holding you back?”

She wore an innocent expression and tilted her head.

“S-So… where do you want to eat?”

“I’ve already prepared everything in my room on the first floor.”

She responded calmly to Frey, who still wore a bewildered expression.

“…Well then, let’s go.”

“Huh? Uh, sure.”

Finally, after a long while, Kania released herself from Frey and clasped his hand as they descended the stairs.


Even though they only held hands, a satisfied smile appeared on Kania’s lips.

“Uh, Kania, by the way, earlier…”

“You don’t need to explain because I understand everything.”

As Kania descended the stairs, the tight grasp of his hand conveyed the profound emotions that her Young Master, whom she admired above all others, harbored for her.


She abruptly halted and furrowed her brow.

“Woof… woof! Woof!”


It was because she spotted a dark red dog at the base of the stairs.

“What is this dog doing here…”

Kania was initially puzzled, but after a moment of realization, she suddenly started to glare at the dog.

“Kania…? What’s this dog?”

Standing beside her, Frey cocked his head with a look full of curiosity. Kania stopped talking, her lips slightly pressed together.

“Um… well…”

Upon hearing this, the dog began to wag its tail, avoiding Kania’s gaze nervously. Kania, who continued to glare at the dog silently, finally mumbled in a low voice.

“This is Miss Irina’s pet dog.”

“Oh, really?”

“It’s strange. I don’t remember Irina having any pets here?”

“She got one just to change the mansion’s ambience since it had felt so empty and deserted recently.”


As Frey heard those words, he propped his chin on his hand and gazed intently at the dog. Meanwhile, Kania, wearing a displeased expression, released her grasp on Frey’s hand and approached the dog.

“…Young Master prefers cats.”

She murmured softly.

“He doesn’t like dogs.”

Upon hearing those words, the dog wore a startled expression, opening its mouth wide for a moment before beginning to pant heavily.

“Huh? This dog is kinda cute.”

Observing the dog’s behavior, Frey came down the stairs and gently petted it.

“Well, this should be fine enough. It shouldn’t shed much hair, and it shouldn’t be overly aggressive… Ah, it tickles.”


In response to his words, the dog started to energetically lick Frey’s face.

“…Let’s go.”

“Ah, yes.”

Once again, Kania held Frey’s hand and led him forward.



Suddenly, the dog nipped at the hem of Frey’s pants and held on.

– Shaaaah…

However, when Kania, who had been observing the dog’s antics, quietly shook her hand, the dog slowly lowered its eyes.

“Poor thing, it seems it had a hard time adjusting to this unfamiliar place.”

Kania muttered as she looked at the dog with a supposedly sympathetic gaze. Then, she left the dog behind and continued moving forward with Frey.

“By the way, where’s Irina?”

“She said she’s practicing transforma— I mean, combat magic.”

Kania nonchalantly replied to Frey’s question as they reached her room.

“…Ah, just a moment.”


“I’ve realized I’m not fully prepared. Please wait here for a moment.”

After asking Frey to wait outside the room for a moment, Kania swiftly entered.


Then, silence prevailed.


In the midst of such silence, Kania calmly raised the corners of her mouth.

“Did you assume you could always have your way?”

She muttered while watching the owl and the canary diligently pecking at the window.

“I deliberately mastered high-level dark magic and even pushed myself to the extremes. So, regardless of how skilled both of you are, as spirits you won’t be able to breach that barrier and interfere.”



With a triumphant smile, Kania drew the curtains down to cover the window and took a second to compose herself.

– Thump!

“Well then, if you’ll excuse me…”

She then retrieved the bead she had taken from Frey and toyed with it.

“…I’ll taint you a bit more.”

She mumbled with a determined expression.






“…You may come in.”

“Ah, yes.”

Frey, who had been standing outside Kania’s room in a daze, slowly stepped inside upon Kania’s invitation.

“What did you prepare so meticulously that…”

Gently closing the door behind him, a composed Frey was about to ask Kania a question with a calm expression. However…


In an instant, he froze.

“Hello, Young Master Frey.”

Kania was wearing a dress.

This was the first time Frey had seen her in casual attire, both in previous cycles and in this current one.

She wore a splendid dress, reminiscent of a debutante in high society.

A wine glass rested in one hand, a star-shaped flower in the other.


Frey, who had become accustomed to her usual professional persona, was genuinely shocked. Yet, he found her new appearance remarkably refreshing and unexpected.

“Do you like it?”

“Uh… well…”

Upon hearing that, Frey felt a flutter in his chest and began to stumble over his words.

“Well, of course, there’s no way you don’t like it, right?”

Kania spoke softly, her smile reaching her eyes as she gazed at Frey.

“This dress was initially meant to be a gift from you, wasn’t it, Young Master?”

“What are you talking about?”

Puzzled by her words, Frey asked in confusion.

“Do you recall when we made plans for a date during the first semester?”


Kania continued, her expression tinged with disappointment.

“Unfortunately, Young Master, you fainted due to the penalty stacks you accrued at that time, and our plans fell through.”

“Uh… Kania, I’m really sorry…”

“I saw it.”

As Frey wore an apologetic expression and attempted to say something, Kania spoke in a low voice.

“I found it in a drawer while I was taking care of you when you fainted, Young Master. I’m talking about the 10 things written on your bucket list.”

“Y-You saw that?”

“…Since it was protected by magic, I transferred the contents to my notebook without touching it.”

Upon hearing that, Frey finally understood.

The reason Kania would sometimes gaze so intently at her notebook and then burst into hearty laughter.

Also, the reason she reacted so strongly when he attempted to glance at her notebook.

“Bucket List 1: To enjoy a date with Kania while she’s wearing a dress, just the two of us, while sharing a drink.”

As Kania gazed at Frey, whose face had turned even redder, she pulled out a notebook from her bosom while whispering gently.

“Did you… see everything?”

Frey’s face turned even redder.

“You even wrote down the brand and the specifics of the dress. You were surprisingly meticulous in that aspect…”


“…I apologize, Young Master.”

When Kania looked at him with an infinitely understanding expression, Frey covered his mouth and averted his gaze to the side.

“…Anyway, I’ve diligently saved up money all this time.”

“Wait, you don’t mean…”

“Yes, I bought this dress with my own money.”

Kania, who shyly said this to Frey, continued with a slightly solemn expression.

“…Shouldn’t we fulfill Young Master’s wish as soon as possible?”

“No, I mean, I was planning to fulfill it leisurely after everything is over…”

“Young Master.”

Interrupting Frey’s words, Kania spoke.

“Please, take a seat.”

She gestured to the chair in front of her while wearing a gentle smile.

“It’s time to make your wish a reality.”


As Kania said this, she graced him with a womanly smile, a side that no one had witnessed before.

– Thump.

Frey, now seated, asked in a slightly relaxed tone while still rubbing his flushed cheeks.

“So, tell me…”

“What’s the secret to getting drunk from alcohol?”






“Whoa? Uhh…”

“Young Master.”

Young Master Frey’s eyes had become even more unfocused.

“Kania… I feel weird…”

“Congratulations, you’re getting drunk.”

I attempted to suppress my laughter while responding, and Young Master Frey widened his eyes in response.

“I’m not drunk!”

“I see.”

“I mean… I do feel a very very tiny bit of tipsiness…”

As he said this, Young Master Frey was giggling whilst gazing at me.

– Uuung…

Hidden beneath his chest was a scroll to infiltrate his subconscious. It was something Irina and I had created together.

“The tolerance that I have… What was it called? Mental resistance to intoxicating substances? Didn’t I say I wouldn’t be affected by that?”

“…It’s more or less the same.”

“Yeah, well… that thing. Anyway, I mean, I have a high alcohol tolerance…”

Naturally, Young Master possessed a very high tolerance for alcohol.

That was why I prepared dozens of bottles of incredibly strong alcohol.

Even though, due to my nature as a warlock, I couldn’t get drunk at all.

I got it in order to satisfy Young Master, who had wished to get drunk at least once…


“Young Master, there’s something I’m curious about.”

I wanted to hear his innermost thoughts directly from his lips while perfectly synchronizing with him.

“Young Master, you…”


However, suddenly, Young Master started to wear a serious expression.

“Could you… drop the formal language and speak informally to me instead?”


I was slightly taken aback by this unexpected request from Young Master. In a low voice, Young Master Frey murmured.

“For some reason, I want to hear you speak to me informally at least once.”

“Uh, mm…”

For the first time, my composure shattered due to this unexpected request. I had believed that everything that would occur today was well within my calculation, but apparently I didn’t account for everything.

Speaking informally? Dispensing with formal language when addressing the Young Master? I’d never even thought about that in my wildest dreams.

“Come on.”

“Uh, ugh…”

“Why, you don’t want to?”

Because of such an unexpected request, I was beyond bewildered, and upon seeing this, Young Master wore a mischievous grin.

‘…I can’t lose control at this point.’

Feeling challenged, I grew even more resolute to maintain control over the situation. As such, I took a deep breath.


While keeping my gaze locked onto Young Master Frey…


I softly whispered.

“Hi, Frey.”


Contrary to my expectations, Young Master Frey burst into laughter.

“Pftt… Hahaha… hahaha…”


My face immediately blushed due to his laughter, and my heart started to race.

Addressing Young Master Frey informally by name for the first time—oh my goodness.

“…I-I love you.”

But I couldn’t falter here, so I squeezed my eyes shut and uttered those words.

“I love you too.”

Young Master Frey’s response was so natural, as if it were the most obvious thing.

“You’re such a precious presence to me.”

Upon hearing my confession, Young Master Frey, who was blankly staring at me, softly spoke.

“If I skip the breakfast you prepare each morning, I feel empty all day. It doesn’t feel the same wherever I go without you by my side, either.”


“Whenever you stand beside me and open your notebook to report whatever it is, I feel comforted. When you’re by my side, I feel secure.”


“To be honest, if you weren’t there from the beginning, I might have taken my own life long ago.”

“Young Master Frey.”

As Young Master Frey continued to pour out his heartfelt confession, I…


“I like you, Kania.”


“I love you.”

I couldn’t help but lower my head at his confession.


My face burned with embarrassment.

My heart started pounding even harder.

My breathing became increasingly erratic and rough.

And once again, I could feel a flutter in my stomach.


The man before me whispered these words with such a sincere expression on his face. As a result, the fragile thread of reason I had been holding onto was on the brink of snapping.

‘…Oh, t-this shouldn’t be…’

At first, I only wanted to confirm his feelings.

It was meant to serve as a warning to the other girls.

I had dressed up to fulfill Young Master Frey’s wish and make him happy…

But if it turned out like this, the promise I made with the girls last time…



Caught up in the overwhelming sensation that had taken over my entire body, I really didn’t know what to do. Then, Frey, who had been gazing at me, suddenly shifted his gaze into the empty air.

“What, what happened here? Why is the Affection System acting up right now…”

“Young Master?”


He gradually began to zone out, his gaze fixed on the air for a while.


In that ensuing silence…


I slowly rose from my seat.

“Young Master.”

Before long, I had approached Young Master and stopped right in front of him.

– Smooch.

I sat on his lap and placed a kiss on his lips.



It was an impulsive act driven by inexplicable jealousy because the gaze that had been directed at me had suddenly shifted elsewhere.

In the end, it seemed like everything had turned out well.

Young Master’s emotions, which had been budding, began to grow even stronger gradually.


With such thoughts in my mind, I intertwined our tongues for a moment, leaving a lingering trail of saliva as I pulled back my head.


Pressing my still-tingling stomach against Young Master, I quietly whispered into his ear.

“Are you excited?”

“…Because I am.”

And then, in the next moment.



Young Master pounced on me.


Young Master, who had climbed atop me whilst in a completely intoxicated state, gazed at me with unfocused eyes.


Our tongues continued to intertwine, a mix of roughness and gentleness.


Our fingers also remained entwined for several minutes.

‘I love you, Young Master…’

I fully embraced Young Master’s feelings, and in return, pleasure coursed through me.


In such an ecstatic moment, I mustered transcendent mental strength in order to gather my dark magic.

– Shaaa…


Eventually, I infused the scroll attached to Young Master’s chest with my dark magic.


Then I eased the Young Master, who had ravaged me, into a peaceful sleep.

– Sssk

After straightening my disheveled dress and tenderly caressing the Young Master before me…

– Snap!

I flicked my fingers and drew back the curtain.




After a while, I calmly observed the fiercely glaring animals sitting by the side of the window.

“Don’t worry. My aim is to make Young Master happy. So, I won’t pounce on him while he’s unconscious.”

I threw out a suggestion to those who were undoubtedly watching the situation unfold in real time.

“No matter how you look at it, the proposal Lady Serena offered last time had some unfair aspects to it.”


“Things will get even tougher starting from the second year. Young Master will be engulfed in dire situations, and he won’t be able to be happy once everything worsens.”

As they displayed somewhat displeased expressions upon hearing this, I spoke, a slight smirk gracing my lips.

“Therefore, during this short summer break, we’ve resolved to make Young Master as happy as possible. But…”

“…We can’t wait for Lady Serena forever, can we?”

At that moment, silence enveloped the room.

“So, I have a new proposal.

In that stillness…

“If Lady Serena can’t solve the ‘problem’ by the end of this vacation…”

I made a proposal that they couldn’t reject.

“…The first person who manages to spend a night with Young Master Frey will be the one who has made him the happiest during the break.”


“Since I was the last to make the blood oath, I had to be the last in line, but isn’t that too harsh? However, now, I have the upper hand, so think it over carefully.”

I scrutinized their avatars, wavering in response to my words.

“I don’t actually care if I’m the last one or whatever, but…”

I gazed towards Young Master, who had been on top of me… No. I gazed towards Frey and muttered.

“…I don’t want to yield his first time either.”






Meanwhile, at that moment…


In the basement of the Moonlight Mansion.


“Um, Lady Serena?”


“Are you okay?”

Upon witnessing Serena suddenly grinding her teeth, the assassins surrounding her stared at her with concern and began to question her.

“…Increase the intensity.”


However, Serena continued grinding her teeth while fixing her gaze on a single spot.

“I… I don’t know either…All I did was use it. So, I don’t really understand the principle of the ‘Curse of Familial Subordination’ in the first place…”

“Double it.”


Serena sent a powerful magical spark into the Secret Lord, who was hovering over Irina’s scroll.

“One coincidence…”

She murmured anxiously.

“I need to find that ‘one coincidence’ as soon as possible…”

And so, the first day of vacation came to an end.

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