
Chapter 133: Girlfriend

Lin Xian was slightly taken aback. Zhao Ying Jun had never danced before.

“I know a bit,” he responded.

“Would you dance with me?”


Zhao Ying Jun tiptoed forward, placing her left hand on Lin Xian’s shoulder before gliding past him, spinning halfway.

Lin Xian stepped to the left, extending his left arm to support Zhao Ying Jun’s waist, completing the elegant turn.

The cello’s sound softened as the solo violin’s strings pulled at the heartstrings, with Zhao Ying Jun moving deftly to the rhythm, each step timed perfectly.

Lin Xian followed seamlessly, his right hand on her slender waist, their left hands clasped, gliding effortlessly across the dance floor.

Learning tango isn’t hard. At Donghai University’s School of Arts, ballroom dancing was a popular elective, quickly filling up due to its demand.

The School of Arts had a higher female to male ratio, making the few male students quite popular as dance partners, perhaps contributing to the course’s popularity.

Lin Xian managed to enroll during his sophomore year, spending that year as a frequent dance partner. Perhaps because he was a well-liked host, had good looks, and was tall, many girls preferred practicing with him, often waiting in line for their turn. That year was exhausting.

From the moment he entered the dance studio until class ended, it was a constant whirl of spinning and supporting. He thought he had danced all the tangos of his life in that semester. Yet, today brought another opportunity.

“You dance really well,” Lin Xian genuinely complimented.

Zhao Ying Jun smiled. “You’re not too shabby yourself.”

Their dance steps were skilled and intense, yet their bodies never touched, a testament to the essence of tango, which lies in the pull and push of the steps. A master’s tango resembles playing the piano, while a novice’s is more akin to practicing Wing Chun.

“Does Donghai University teach tango?”

“They teach the basics, nothing this complex,” Lin Xian replied honestly.

“Then how did you get so good?”

“This dance piece is famous,” Lin Xian explained, pulling them back to the center of the dance floor. “It’s been used in many movies. Directors love this piece. If there’s a tango scene, it’s often to this song, ‘Por Una Cabeza.’ I’ve watched it enough times to learn.”

“Like which movies?” Zhao Ying Jun inquired, looking up.

“Scent of a Woman,” Lin Xian answered. “A great movie with an iconic dance scene.”

Zhao Ying Jun chuckled, watching the other dancing couples. “I’ve seen that movie. The lead actress is beautiful.”

“Gabrielle Anwar,” Lin Xian noted. “Though she’s aged since then.”

“Everyone ages. No one stays young forever.”

Zhao Ying Jun released Lin Xian’s left hand, spinning gracefully on her high heels to the music, then rejoining his hand. “It seems you really enjoy movies. You know a lot about them. Are you particularly interested in film?”

“Not really,” he replied as the music was reaching its crescendo, the solo violin gently fading out. “I’ve just watched a lot of movies.”

The violin’s vibrato ceased abruptly, concluding the piece. The dancers either chatted or clapped softly.

Lin Xian and Zhao Ying Jun moved to a nearby table, where a waiter brought utensils and wet towels. Zhao Ying Jun silently nibbled on a snack while lost in her own thoughts. Lin Xian rested his elbow on the table, gazing at the neon-lit nightscape of Donghai City, pondering the new Donghai City in his dreams.

“Hee hee, Lin Xian!”

A sudden laugh disrupted his thoughts.

“Ying Jun, it’s been a while!”

A beautiful girl greeted Zhao Ying Jun with a bright smile. Her light blue evening dress flowed gracefully, reminiscent of a stream cascading down a mountain, adorned with dancing fairies. Her elegantly styled dark brown hair and exquisite headpiece gave her the appearance of a Disney princess.

But… she was indeed a princess, not of Disney, but of Donghai City.

“An Qing, why are you just coming out now?” Zhao Ying Jun pulled Chu An Qing to sit, admiring the intricately dressed young woman. “This dress is stunning, and your hairstyle is unique. Where did you get it done?”

“It was a bit of a hassle!” Chu An Qing laughed joyfully, shaking her headpiece. “I don’t even know how it was done. My dad hired a stylist for me. It took forever. What do you think, Lin Xian? Does it look good?”

“It looks fantastic,” Lin Xian sincerely complimented. Comparisons can be harsh, but after dealing with CC’s challenging and stubborn nature in his dreams, Chu An Qing seemed even more delightful.

Her outfit exuded elegance, and as someone familiar with fashion, Lin Xian could tell at a glance that her attire was expensive. Given she was Chu Shan He’s prized “treasure,” it was fitting for such a significant event as the Donghai Business Association’s New Year’s Eve party.

“My dad kept pulling me away to greet everyone,” Chu An Qing explained, holding Zhao Ying Jun’s hand. “I saw you two earlier and wanted to say hello, but couldn’t get away until now.”

Chu An Qing then turned to Lin Xian with a playful smile. “Everyone at school’s calling you Donghai’s 007 now! It’s all over. You have a lot of younger fans hoping for another lecture from you.”

“Let’s not,” Lin Xian chuckled, recalling the last time when no younger students showed up. “It’s not something to brag about. I’d rather not try that again.”

Zhao Ying Jun smiled, watching the lively exchange between the two. Women understand women best. She surmised the origin of Lin Xian’s invitation the moment Chu An Qing approached him.

Normally, Lin Xian, not being a member of the Donghai Business Association, would have raised eyebrows. But Chu An Qing seemed to expect him here.

Watching their interactions, Zhao Ying Jun smiled. “An Qing, with such a lively atmosphere, why not join the dance?”

“No one invited me,” Chu An Qing admitted, spreading her hands. “It’s the same every year. No one dares to ask me to dance.”

Both Lin Xian and Zhao Ying Jun laughed. Indeed, in a school setting, it might be different. But at an event hosted by Chu Shan He, under his watchful eye, asking his young daughter to dance would require audacity.

Even if someone dared, Chu Shan He might not mind as he wasn’t overly petty. But who would risk it? Engaging with a dragon’s favored one is risky; touching a dragon’s scale could spell disaster, yet no one dares to try.

Lin Xian imagined himself in Chu Shan He’s position… if he had a beautiful, beloved daughter about seventeen or eighteen, and a boy held her close for a dance…

His blood pressure surged just thinking about it.

“An Qing, if you don’t mind, why not let Lin Xian dance with you? He’s quite skilled,” Zhao Ying Jun suggested.

“Ah?” Lin Xian’s blood pressure normalized as he looked at Zhao Ying Jun.

“Huh? Can I?” Chu An Qing blinked at Zhao Ying Jun.

“Of course,” Zhao Ying Jun turned to Lin Xian. “Is that okay?”

Lin Xian looked at Chu An Qing, and she returned his gaze. “Is it?”

It seemed they had planned this. Lin Xian had no choice but to agree with a smile. “Sure, as long as you don’t mind my lack of skill, An Qing.”

Since both women suggested it, he couldn’t decline outright. He resigned himself to being a mere dance partner without emotion.

“I mainly learned traditional dance; I’m not that good at ballroom,” Chu An Qing laughed, stepping closer to Lin Xian. “I might need you to teach me!”

As the previous song ended and a new one began, the hall lights dimmed, and the warm lights swirled around.

The lively, brisk violin ensemble began, accompanied by trumpets and trombones, creating a cheerful atmosphere.

The “Voices of Spring Waltz,” a classic waltz, started.

Chu An Qing looked up at Lin Xian, who was a head taller. The rotating lights danced in her eyes, drawing bright star rings.

Lin Xian extended his right hand, and Chu An Qing’s elegant fingertips touched his as they stepped onto the dance floor.

The light, crisp plucking of the violin strings filled the hall with the essence of spring, like the song of a nightingale.

As couples on the dance floor twirled, cellists joined the accompaniment, enriching the spring motif.

Even though Chu An Qing modestly claimed she wasn’t good at ballroom dancing, the gap between amateur and professional was evident. Her “not good” seemed master-level to Lin Xian. Dancing with her was far more challenging than with Zhao Ying Jun.

But fortunately, the waltz was simple, requiring minimal footwork, mostly turning, with any complex moves falling to the female partner. Lin Xian only needed to provide a stable “frame.”

Gradually, more people noticed the professionalism on the dance floor, making way for the little blue princess to showcase her skills. Her light blue dress flowed in the air, her graceful movements painting a vivid scene. It was breathtaking.

In a corner of the hall, Zhao Ying Jun held a glass of red wine, swirling the vivid liquid, smiling as she watched the blue flower dancing in the center.

“May I have this dance?” A young voice called from behind.

“Sorry, I’m a bit tired,” Zhao Ying Jun declined without turning around. But something felt off. The voice sounded too young. She turned, seeing a young man with slightly curly hair, dressed in a black suit and bow tie, looking somewhat weary, half-bowing with a smile.

Zhao Ying Jun was taken aback; this was someone unexpected. “Ji Lin?”

She stood up politely, noticing the young man standing straight. Even with her heels, she was taller. “What a surprise to see you here.”

“You recognize me?”

“Mr. Ji, you’re a celebrity now. There have been many reports about you recently.”

“That’s a coincidence, Miss Zhao, I recognize you too.” Ji Lin smiled, holding up his keychain with a cute Rhine Cat charm. “I love your company’s cat. I want to write a story for it, so I came to ask for your authorization. Can I have it?”

“Of course.” Zhao Ying Jun caught the joke in his voice, responding playfully. “But Rhine Cat’s authorization isn’t cheap… if you take it to the Oscars, I can offer a discount.”

“That’s unfortunate,” Ji Lin chuckled, shaking his head. “I wasn’t planning to accept the award myself. But if you could pass a message to the designer, asking for a Gothic style Rhine Cat, I’d appreciate it.”

“Why not tell him directly?” Zhao Ying Jun pointed to Lin Xian, dancing with the little blue princess. “He’s the creator of Rhine Cat. You can talk to him directly. He likes you and might take your suggestion.”

“Oh, it’s him,” Ji Lin squinted at Lin Xian, dancing happily with Chu An Qing, then turned to Zhao Ying Jun. “Wasn’t he dancing with you earlier?”


“Then may I boldly ask…” Ji Lin pointed at Chu An Qing, intrigued. “Which one of you is his girlfriend?”

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