
Chapter 80: Concealment

“What is that?” Lin Xian asked, pointing toward the moon.

“The moon!”

“I mean the black shadow on the moon. Is it a projection, or is there really a building that large spanning from the north to the south pole?”

“That’s unclear,” Big Cat Face replied, shaking his head. “The moon has looked like this for centuries. Ever since I was young, it’s always had that mark, so it never struck me as unusual.”

“You’re lucky today. The full moon on the sixteenth day of the lunar cycle makes the pattern quite visible. When it’s not full, it’s harder to see. Sometimes, the angle even makes it resemble a middle finger.”

“The problem isn’t that, Big Cat,” Lin Xian said, gazing back up at the ominous moon. “The problem is that even if the moon has looked like this since you were born, it’s clearly artificial. Centuries ago, the moon certainly didn’t look like this.”

“I know that!” Big Cat Face rubbed his arm, pulled out a cigarette from behind his ear, and lit it with a match.

“The dark pattern on the moon is obviously man-made, but who did it and which nation they were from remains unknown.”

“There are various theories. Some suggest a nation built a colossal black structure on the moon as a display of power, shaped like an outstretched hand with an extended index finger.”

“Others think a wealthy artist created the design using a light-absorbing or non-reflective material to make it visible from Earth.”

“There’s even a theory that it’s the work of aliens… but come on! That’s a tale for kids! Aliens with human-like hands? Five fingers? I don’t believe it.”

Lin Xian let Big Cat Face’s theories go in one ear and out the other.

Because he knew the truth. The sinister shadow on the moon was most likely the handiwork of the Genius Club. Bizarre and presumptuous, just like Lin Xian’s impressions of this enigmatic organization. But such a massive lunar project couldn’t have escaped historical documentation.

“Big Cat, aren’t there any records in history books?”

“History books?” Big Cat Face laughed derisively.

“People like us aren’t even privileged enough to know our own history…”

He gestured toward the brightly lit New Donghai City, visible a few kilometers away.

“History and knowledge are monopolized by them. If you want access to genuine history books, you’d need to enter New Donghai City, where there are bookstores and all kinds of advanced technology.”

“So, young man…”

Big Cat Face exhaled a stream of smoke, his gaze complex as he looked at Lin Xian.

“I don’t oppose my daughter pursuing an education. If she could study in New Donghai City, I’d sell everything I own, even myself, to support her!”

“But studying here in our village… what’s the point? We lack genuine knowledge or history here… Even if you go to school, what you learn is devoid of real substance.”

Lin Xian nodded, understanding the complexities of familial decisions better than to offer unsolicited advice.

“I understand, Big Cat. My apologies.” He offered a reassuring smile. “If I ever make it into New Donghai City, I’ll blast a hole in that steel wall. Then… you lead the villagers in to grab all the good stuff!”

“Hahaha, keep dreaming!” Big Cat Face clapped Lin Xian on the back. “Always the dreamer! Come on, let’s get a drink!”

As they descended the stairs, Lin Xian took one last look at the cyberpunk-esque New Donghai City and the moon branded with the Genius Club logo before entering the house.

In the living room, Big Cat Face’s wife and their children had already cleared the dinner table.

Lin Xian and Big Cat Face lingered, drinking more and discussing history, though no enlightening answers emerged.

No matter how much he probed, Big Cat Face’s responses remained the same: the world had always been like this.

His knowledge of history was limited, vague at best, focused only on recent decades.

Even local bookstores lacked records going back a century.

This puzzled Lin Xian.

Logically, every society, every world should have its historians, right? There should be records.

But recalling his initial dream, even there, accessible historical records were nonexistent.

Could there be a common reason for this?

After a while, Big Cat Face checked his watch, smiled slightly, and threw an arm around Lin Xian.

“Let’s hit the hay, little brother. There are plenty of rooms upstairs. My wife will prepare one for you. Don’t be shy.”

“Who goes to bed this early?” Lin Xian protested.

“I’m not a child, and it’s not even ten yet.”

“Big Cat, you must be hiding something from me, right? Today Ah Zhuang mentioned you had some plans tonight. Since I’m practically family now, you can’t leave me out, whether it’s good or bad!”

Lin Xian gripped Big Cat Face’s hand.

“I’m already part of your crew. We’re in this together! So tell me, Big Cat… what’s the big secret?”

Big Cat Face finished his drink and licked his lips.

“Kid, I admit, I’ve been keeping something from you.”

Big Cat Face was genuinely trustworthy, which was why Lin Xian felt a connection to him.

“I am hiding something from you,” he repeated, filling Lin Xian’s cup and then his own.

“But I didn’t intend to keep it secret forever.”

He looked intently at Lin Xian.

“I knew right away you were decent. I trust my instincts.”

“So today—”

“But not today,” Big Cat Face interrupted, his eyes firm as he raised his glass to Lin Xian.

“I’d take you with me if I could, but it’s not my call to make.”

“So… do me a favor today and hit the sack early. Tomorrow, I’ll introduce you to the boss.”

“Trust me, your Brother Face here has influence. With my backing, the boss will definitely let you join.”

“But until then, don’t ask too many questions. Every line of work has its rules. I can see you’re sharp, but even sharp minds can’t bend the rules.”

Since Big Cat Face laid it out so clearly, Lin Xian didn’t press further.

He hadn’t anticipated that in his previous dream, he used “tomorrow” to fend off Big Cat Face… and now the roles were reversed, with Big Cat Face using “tomorrow” on him.

But Lin Xian wasn’t in a rush.

As long as he didn’t trigger significant time-space shifts, this dream could extend indefinitely. He could afford to unravel these mysteries slowly. For now, he simply needed to collect information.

Lin Xian raised his glass.

“You have a boss above you?”

“Not a boss, the boss. We work for him,” Big Cat Face clarified.


They downed their drinks in one go.

Big Cat Face showed Lin Xian around the house, including the bathroom. After Lin Xian freshened up, he was guided to a clean, orderly bedroom.

“Get a good night’s sleep. Don’t wander around; it’s unsafe out there,” Big Cat Face advised.

“Understood, Big Cat,” Lin Xian responded.

“Don’t worry.”

I’ll definitely go out!

With such an obvious hint… not venturing out would be a disservice to his curiosity.

Besides, he was in a dream. Who sleeps in a dream?

He had tried before, and it was impossible to sleep in a dream.

“Goodnight, Brother Face.”

“Goodnight, little brother.”

Lying on the stone bed, Lin Xian kept his eyes open, attuned to every sound in the house.

Big Cat Face’s wife seemed to be chopping radishes in the kitchen, likely preparing them for breakfast.

Their daughter and younger son were also chuckling and drifting off to sleep.

There was no noise from Big Cat Face; he must have already left.

Finally, when the house fell completely silent, Lin Xian rose and quietly opened the door.

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