
Chapter 172

Chapter 172

Moreover, a complete organic entity has a special effect: the ‘Symbol of Hunt’ mode. When activated, my body optimizes for combat, evolving into the ultimate biological weapon. Although it has a cooldown of 24 hours for a duration of 20 minutes, it exhibits exceptional effects that overshadow such drawbacks. Just like now.


Though my eyes are gone, my senses are sharper than ever. Every detail of the surroundings, be it this corridor buried in ice horror or the common ground I stand on, feels vividly alive as if seen directly through my eyes. Thanks to this, I’m fully aware of the changes happening within my body.

Bones, muscles, scales, exoskeletons—everything, optimizing my body to hunt stronger foes and acquire more prey. As the cranial exoskeleton grows rapidly, the burden on my body shifts slightly forward. The six horns, useful in battles against formidable enemies, have grown into even more menacing forms.

The elongated, slender skull, reminiscent of theropod dinosaurs, has undergone even more extreme changes since the application of the ‘organic evolution’ trait. The lower jaw, splitting into two branches, has developed an impression resembling a metal protective gear beneath the jaw.

Along with the changes to the jaw, bone exoskeletons have been attached to the auxiliary organs beneath it, transforming into ivory-like structures similar to an elephant’s tusks. Despite their considerable size and weight, the developed jaw allows them to move without much difficulty.

‘The auxiliary organs retain their original functions.’

Changes around the head aren’t limited to just the auxiliary organs. The most significant change is the relocation of the five facial apertures previously attached to the back to the head. Similar to ancient warriors adorning their bodies with their enemies’ skulls, the five pallid faces are attached to the rear exoskeleton like trophies.

As the head becomes heavier, the neck has also evolved to support it. The tentacles of the monster, now enlarged, are covered with hair-like protrusions on the enlarged neck. In its normal state, the neck wasn’t prominently displayed due to the tentacles and rear exoskeleton, resembling more of a spike. But now, it’s thick and elongated like that of a crocodile or a Komodo dragon.

Moreover, the section from the neck to the back, akin to the nuchal hump in humans, is rugged. Subsequently, bone blade arms protrude from the exoskeletal orifices, serving as symbols of the manifestation of hunting.

The arms at the ends of the biological scythes are the sharpest and most lethal weapons I possess. They can easily cut through even tough materials like battleship hulls or superior reinforced armor.

Other parts have also transformed into forms useful for combat. The blunt claws previously on the lower body and tail have undergone significant changes. They now resemble joints with sharp claws at the ends, akin to spider legs.

While there have been changes such as the growth of new parts, the weight has actually become lighter than before. Previously, when I used the manifestation of hunting, I felt bulkier and heavier, but now, it’s a sensation of being thin yet light.

However, being lighter doesn’t mean a decrease in durability or strength. Rather, due to densely interwoven scales, the defense has likely increased compared to before.

‘Moreover, it seems more flexible than before.’

I flexed and bent my combat arms, which have grown more than twice their original length before I started using the manifestation of hunting. The scales moved smoothly like waves following the movements of muscles and bones.

Apart from becoming lighter and more flexible overall, the overall length has increased. Based on the detection by auxiliary organs, the length up to the tail is roughly between 35m to 40m. So, compared to the previous 28m, the body has extended by nearly 10m.

‘Even so, compared to over there, it’s still small.’

The opponent is a colossal creature that easily surpasses 100 meters. Despite being only a third of its size…

‘Size isn’t everything.’

After completing my inspection, I raised my head, tapping four bone blades—or rather, the transformed auxiliary organs. As soon as I lifted my head, the piles of ice and rocks in the passage began to shake, as if timing their movement with mine. The trembling of the debris intensified, as if representing the emotions of the entity beneath.

Moments later, as if erupting in an explosion, the rocks and ice fragments scattered, revealing the Ice Horror.

To simplify the appearance of the Ice Horror, it looked like a fusion of the monster from the classic monster movie series “The B***** of B******” and the body of a centipede.

[PR/N- Ok so even I don’t understand the name of the movie if you guys know please tell me while I will research on my own (I need a raise damn)]

Its head boasted four incredibly sturdy jaws capable of tearing apart even battleships, filled with spikes and teeth for grasping and suction. At the rear of the jaw were degenerated eyes and two long, thin antennae.

The antennae, reminiscent of a chain whip, are the detection organs the creature possesses. Unlike me, whose auxiliary organs are vulnerable, the antennae of the creature are quite robust, as evident from their appearance.

Below the head, it had segments similar to a centipede, with sharp claws on each segment, legs, and a white carapace attached. The difference from a centipede lies in the extreme hardness of the carapace.

‘It can ignore most attacks even without special defensive abilities.’

Indeed, even when hit head-on by my psychic breath, the creature’s carapace only showed slight scratches.


Seemingly infuriated by the unexpected ambush, the creature hissed roughly. Its antennae on the head swayed like threatening cobras.

The space was so vast that even with two colossal monsters inside, there was plenty of room to spare. I deliberately chose this place to fight the creature.

While the Ice Horror’s size might suggest an advantage in confined spaces, the reality is different. The creature effortlessly burrowed through the ground and ice, a disadvantage for me in anything but an open space.


As the creature emitted its threatening sounds, it turned its head toward me. Its four jaws spread wide, and from within, a stream of transparent venom was shot towards me.

By highly concentrating the nerve toxin I often used against biological foes and mixing it with hallucinogens, it became the Ice Horror’s venom. In simple terms, it’s a toxin that paralyzes or induces hallucinations in its victims.

But I didn’t evade. Instead, I rushed towards the creature, which stood still, shooting venom.

‘Venom is useless against me.’

Thanks to the ‘Complete Immunity’ trait I received as a special reward, I am completely immune to toxins and diseases. No matter how potent the venom the creature shoots, it won’t affect me.

[TL/N- Well this is irritating the author does not even give chapter hints or mentions of how and when he gets the trait… or he directly mentions after 100 chapters…]

[PR/N- Your problem…]

I leaped over the ice on the ground while being hit by the venom.


The fact that its venom had no effect seemed to confuse the creature.

‘That’s to be expected.’

Around here, there are only a few species, including the Black Gallagon, that are immune to the creature’s venom.

While the creature hesitated, I charged with speed and momentum, thrusting my horns into its head. The frozen underground chamber shook violently, and the creature staggered backward.


Until now, no enemy had survived being impaled by my horns, but this time was an exception. The Ice Horror’s defense was truly formidable. Despite my strike, only scratches from the horns remained on its carapace.


The creature, pushed back, emitted a sinister sound as it launched its counterattack. Its body, several times longer than mine, writhed like a snake, attempting to ensnare me.

I grabbed the creature’s body with my six combat arms. In that state, I swung my tail forcefully. The pincer at the end of my tail turned into a heavy mace, striking the carapace around its abdomen.


The agonizing screams of the Ice Horror mixed with its roar, echoing through the underground chamber. Looking at the area hit by my tail, it was riddled with cracks like a spider web. It must have hurt, given the force of the impact.


Enraged, the creature, jaws wide open, charged at me. Its plan was likely to swallow me whole. The swirling tentacles resembling whirlpools around my back peeled away, and the corroded tentacles hidden within all sprang out.

The tentacles, spread wide, firmly grasped the creature’s jaws.

And thus, the struggle began.



It was a showdown between two colossal creatures spanning tens to hundreds of meters. As a result, the ice walls surrounding the underground space shook violently. Icicles hanging from the ceiling fell, and the ground I stood on cracked and split deeply.

‘Such immense strength.’

Despite using the manifestation of hunting, the creature’s strength was truly immense. While my six corroded tentacles firmly held its jaws, they couldn’t last long. The creature began to press me down with its weight.


I anticipated this much.

I slightly eased the force on the corroded tentacles. As the creature exerted pressure on me, its body suddenly lurched towards me.

At the moment the creature’s gaping mouth aimed to swallow me whole…

One of my bone blade arms from my back flew like lightning and pierced into the creature’s mouth.


Startled by the sudden pain, the Ice Horror recoiled. It shook violently, and with a creature of its size causing havoc, not only the chamber but the entire underground space trembled as if in an earthquake.


Then, the creature closed its jaws, gripping me, and violently shook its head, hurling me away. My body flew through the air and slammed hard against the wall.


[Pain nullification Activated!]

Although it had been a while since the ‘Pain nullification’ trait was activated, there was no time to be distracted by the pain. Quickly, I withdrew my body from where it was embedded in the wall and dodged to the side. As I evaded, the creature’s head slammed into the wall beside me.

With a paper-thin margin of escape, I slashed at the carapace around its abdomen with the four bone blade arms under its jaw.

These bone blades were made of the same material as the blades on my back. In other words, they were extremely hard and sharp.

With the sound of cracking walnut shells, four wounds appeared on the creature’s carapace.

Clearly annoyed by my evasion and counterattack, the creature twisted its body to ram into me. I hastily raised my combat arms to block, but the result wasn’t favorable. Two of my arms that collided with the creature’s carapace were completely shattered, and my body was slammed against the wall again.


With no cunning maneuvers, just simple movements, but faster and stronger than me, it wasn’t easy to deal with.

The one whose arm I had broken rushed at me again, pulling its head from the wall. Anticipating this, I opened my mouth towards its eyes. The acid gland located near my esophagus shot out its vile acidic liquid.

The creature, hit by the green liquid, paused its attack momentarily. Taking advantage of its hesitation, I quickly withdrew, putting some distance between us.


The creature shook its head irritably, as if annoyed. Perhaps it was boasting a carapace with a hardness surpassing that of diamonds, as the acidic fungus couldn’t penetrate it at all.

The creature, having spat out the green liquid, growled at me. It had begun to be wary of me as new abilities continued to emerge from me.

While the creature was on guard, I examined the area I had been targeting all along. I swung my pincers and slashed with the blade under its jaw, finding plenty of cracks in its ventral carapace.

‘Preparation is complete.’

There was only one thing left to do.




The creature, still fixating its tendrils on me while being cautious, moved again. Like a train speeding on rails, it charged towards me on the icy ground.

Just before colliding with the creature, I exerted force on the tail tip and the legs in my lower body. My body shot upwards like a spring towards the ceiling, and the surface of my pincers grazed the creature’s jaw as we passed each other.

Having narrowly avoided the Ice Horror’s charge, I landed on its back. Utilizing my remaining combat arms and corroded tentacles, I firmly grasped the creature’s carapace, engaging in a rodeo-like struggle.


The creature, displeased with me being on its back, writhed violently. However, I was already firmly attached to its body. It couldn’t shake me off as easily as it intended.

While the creature thrashed about, I swung the blade under its jaw and the arms on its back relentlessly. With each swishing sound of the wind, more wounds appeared on the creature’s carapace.


Finally, unable to bear it any longer, the creature roared loudly and leaped up. Just like I had leaped upward, the creature also exerted force on its lower body and legs, lifting its body.

With a single leap, the creature soared up to the ceiling of this huge underground space. As its back collided with the ceiling, I, sandwiched in between, found myself in a situation akin to being caught in a vice.



The immense pain coursing through my entire body inadvertently caused me to lose strength. The rear carapace, due to the impact, had broken at the back, and the carapaces on the back and chest had also been severely cracked.

‘One more hit, and it’s dangerous!’

As the creature slammed into the ceiling and landed on the ground, I leaped off its back. The creature, as if asking where I was fleeing, opened its jaws wide and snapped at my tail.

But as soon as it bit down, the spikes and teeth inside its jaws pierced into my body. It was as if it intended to swallow me whole.

Instead of striking its jaws, I activated the thorn-barbed tail hidden inside my pincers. The pincers opened slightly, and the thorns inside poured out into the creature’s throat.


Just like me, to a creature wielding neurotoxins as weapons, a venom attack was meaningless. However, anyone would feel discomfort with fish spines lodged in their throat.

The Ice Horror spat me out with a growl. The tip of my tail, which had entered the creature’s body for a short time, was severely damaged.

‘Definitely strong.’

This creature boasted tremendous combat power, fearing it might not be an Apex organism. If it were a Black Gallagon or a Sea Demon, I would already have suffered two or three fatal injuries.


The creature roared shortly and swiftly moved its legs, approaching me. This time, instead of avoiding, I rushed towards the creature.

Like males locking horns to establish dominance, we charged towards each other’s heads. On the icy arena, the Ice Horror’s jaws collided with my head carapace.

Tremendous pressure pushed against my head. The head carapace, rarely damaged until now, shattered, and three out of six horns broke.

‘If we fall here, it’s over.’

I exerted all my strength in my lower body and tail to somehow not give way.

As the two mighty forces struggled to overpower each other, the ground could no longer bear it and collapsed.

At that moment, I sharply lowered my head. As we struggled, the creature, unable to hit my head due to my movement, inevitably directed its force towards it.

The creature’s jaws smashed my rear head carapace and swept over my dorsal carapace. Two of my arm carapaces broke completely due to the impact.

Indescribable pain pierced through my entire being. I almost lost consciousness from the excruciating agony, but thanks to the Pain Reduction trait, I managed to endure somehow.


I twisted my head to the left. Instantly, the bone blade under my jaw stood upright.

The target of the bone blade was the creature’s abdomen passing swiftly above me. Two of the blades on my right side protruded forward, slashing the creature’s abdomen heavily.


‘Broken… Ugh!’

Before I could even revel in the success of the attack, I tumbled onto the collapsed floor. The enraged creature swung its tail at me.


I tried to get up again, but the creature’s jaws were right next to me.

A huge jaw, split into four parts, spread open like a flower. As the jaws closed, my head and upper body would be finished.

Trying to minimize the damage as much as possible, I crouched down, but the creature suddenly stopped moving. It was a fleeting moment, but enough for me to dodge.

As I withdrew my upper body, the creature’s jaws closed immediately. I realized the familiar movements of a being on the verge of collapse on the other side of the partially collapsed passage.

‘It’s here!’

Then, rocks and ice fragments that filled the passage floated up. They turned into projectiles and rained down on the Ice Horror’s carapace and tail.


Startled by the sudden attack, the creature turned its head abruptly.

Beyond the darkened passage, three creatures revealed themselves.

「…As expected. You held on well.」

A griffin wolf holding the Divine spectre.

「Big Adult」「Large」 「Snake」 「Very」 「Giant」

A Green Gallagon expressing astonishment at the sight of me and the Ice Horror.

「This naughty little creature! Can’t just let someone bother the big baby in peace! I’ll give it a good scolding! A lot of it!」

And there it was, the 10-meter-tall Sea Demon, menacingly waving its numerous tentacles and fins.

After what seemed like an eternity, reinforcements had finally arrived.

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