
Chapter 49

‘I just need to have small talks with him.’

No one would bother him if he was with the VIP, Choi Gap-Soo. If he just had conversations with him, nothing dramatic would happen to either of them.

It was because Omur was not planning to do anything.

He knew that if he slacked off during work hours, the other GMs in Gangnam-gu would have to work twice as hard, but the same thing happened when he was young.

“Haha, I see that you’ve come.”

Fortunately, Gap-Soo seemed to quite like Omur.

“Take a look at this,” Gap-Soo said.

“Oh, what is this?”

Gap-Soo was holding his cell phone in his hand. It was a first-person perspective livestream that was linked with SSP.

‘It’s probably Kim Chul-Soo’s livestream again,’ Omur thought.

However, he pretended not to know. Sometimes, it was easier to pretend not to know even if he knew, and sometimes it was the contrary, to pretend to know even if he did not know.

In fact, Omur had no interest in SSP. His only concern was his safe retirement. He had been doing GM work related to SSP all his life, and he did not want to have any more interest in it.

“That looks interesting. Is it Kim Chul-Soo’s livestream by any chance?”

“Why, yes it is!”

Gap-Soo was quite satisfied with Omur’s seemingly enthusiastic response.

“Who would have known that there would be someone crazy enough to have a taste of the Flying Toad’s bodily fluid?”

“I agree with you, sir.”

Even Omur was surprised and speechless at that part. No matter how powerful an Achievement Effect was, there was no one who would actually taste poison to confirm its effects on their body. Even if an antidote was present, there was no need to taste the poison.

Moreover, Chul-Soo’s Achievement Effect was not even verified.

He was clearly not in his right mind.

“If I remember correctly, there were many Streamers who Played by themselves for their livestream content, right?”

“Yes, sir. However, most of them died around Level 100.”

“I think this guy is different?”


Omur thought differently. He had lived as a GM for decades. He had seen countless promising talents. Although Chul-Soo was showing remarkable progress, Streamers had their limits.

Omur had always thought that Chul-Soo would not be able to last that long. However, he never said it out loud.

“That Broadcaster’s Truesight he uses, wait, it’s now called Broadcaster’s Clairvoyance, right? That Skill is completely different from typical Streamers, right?"

“Yes, sir. It reads the opponent’s Skills, Achievements, and sometimes their emotions or conditions.”

“Are there Streamers on Earth who can do that currently?”

“No, I believe there aren’t any.”

“I don’t think so either! I’ve never seen it before. Hahaha!”

Gap-Soo could not take his eyes off Chul-Soo’s livestream.

“That crazy bastard is trying to attack the Flying Toad.”

A while later, even crazier things began to happen.

“Wait, he’s switching Achievements?”

The reason why Jin-Hyeok was able to survive the Flying Toad was because of his Major Achievement, Repeating Shortcuts and Hidden King. However, Jin-Hyeok switched to the All-Clear Achievement instead. The Achievement Effect for this one was +1 Defensive Attribute, which meant that the Player was immune to all physical attacks of Level 50 and below.

Suddenly, Omur also started to focus on the livestream.

“If he gets hit even once by the Flying Toad, he is going to die.”

Although Omur didn’t want to do anything related to SSP, he could not take his eyes off Chul-Soo’s livestream.

⁎ ⁎ ⁎


Cha Jin-Hyeok twisted his body to dodge the claws of the Flying Toad. The Flying Toad was a monster in the form of a toad with sharp claws attached to its front legs.

‘Ah, I’ve managed to dodge it again.’

Although he had an Achievement Effect that could nullify the monster’s regular attacks, his body reacted automatically. That meant that the Flying Toad had a sharp bloodlust—enough for Jin-Hyeok’s body to react on its own.

‘Its attacks don’t work against me, but my attacks don’t work either.’

Jin-Hyeok’s sword could not even leave a scratch on the black barrier of the Flying Toad. The Level difference was too significant, and aiming for weak points was futile.

‘The basic physical difference is too big.’

If it were not for his Achievement Effect, he would have become the Toad’s meal long ago.

‘If this keeps on going, I can’t defeat the monster.’

He needed to activate his Latent Skill, Sharp Spirit, again. However, due to the effects of the Major Achievement, his sharp senses did not come back like before. In order to use the Latent Skill, he needed to maintain a much higher state of Awakening than now.

That was why he changed the Achievement.

[You have applied the Achievement, 「All-Clear (Sareoga Mart Dungeon)」.]

A black mark appeared on the back of Jin-Hyeok’s right hand.

[The Achievement Effect 「+1 Defensive Attribute」 has been applied.]

“When this Achievement Effect is applied to the Broadcaster’s Barrier, I gain complete immunity to all physical attacks of Level 50 and below.”

Jin-Hyeok threw himself backward. He rotated his body three times to dodge the Flying Toad’s front legs. His right cheek felt as hot as if it were on fire. He managed to avoid it, but it felt a slight scratch from the claws. There was a bit of bleeding, but it was not a significant injury, even considering the fact that it was from a poisonous claw.

“Just like this, there seems to be a partial immunity effect.”

Jin-Hyeok started to talk a little faster.

“It seems a bit difficult to Play while talking. I should focus now.”

He heightened his senses. He instinctively reacted to the direction and path of the Flying Toad using his Broadcaster’s Clairvoyance.

‘I need to move half a step to the side…’

Once again, he narrowly dodged the claws. At the same time, he swung his sword.

‘...and slash!’


Now even a slight scratch appeared on the Flying Toad’s barrier.

‘That guy is strong.’

Jin-Hyeok smiled. As it became harder to breathe, his blood boiled. The pressure and tension of knowing that one wrong move could result in death made him enjoy the situation.

‘This is it! This is the feeling!’

It felt as if each cell in his body was Awakening. The powerful monster known as the Flying Toad continued to stimulate his senses.

[You have activated the Latent Skill, ‘Sharp Spirit.’]

‘Got it!.’

Sharp Spirit was activated once again. Jin-Hyeok’s sword was infused with intangible mana.

‘But this alone is not enough.’

Simply relying on Sharp Spirit would not be enough to penetrate the Flying Toad’s barrier. He needed a sharper and more threatening energy. He instinctively thought of it.

[You have acquired the Latent Skill, ‘Sharper Spirit.’]

All Players acquired Skills at Levels 40 and 50. Streamer Kim Chul-Soo acquired Time-Lapse Recording at Level 40 and an enhanced version of Time-Lapse Recording at Level 50.

Just like how Streamer Kim Chul-Soo gained the enhanced version of Time-Lapse Recording at Level 50, Swordsman Cha Jin-Hyeok gained an enhanced version of Sharp Spirit at Level 50.

And that Skill was called Sharper Spirit.

‘I was right!’

When entering a state of extreme tension, the abilities engraved in his experience and soul manifested in the form of a Latent Skill.

A faint purple energy permeated Jin-Hyeok’s sword. At that moment, the Flying Toad flew toward Jin-Hyeok with its massive body. It was obvious that if they collided, the impact would be much greater than any traffic accident.

‘I just need to give it a little nudge…’

Just like how he had prevented a truck accident in the past, he turned his body slightly and used the Broadcaster’s Barrier. He subtly nudged the flight trajectory of the approaching Flying Toad. Then, he swung his sword, following the Sword Ways shown by the Broadcaster\'s Clairvoyance.


He was in a trance as he swung his sword. The Flying Toad, which collided with an abandoned car, rose to its feet. Steam began to emit from its back.

‘That means it is angry.’

It also meant that if provoked a little more, it would enter Phase 2. Jin-Hyeok provoked the monster with his finger.

“Come and get me.”


The Flying Toad folded its wings and leaped toward him like a wild boar. The power was much greater than before, but it was easier to dodge.

Jin-Hyeok skillfully dodged the Flying Toad’s charge as if he were in a bullfight, continuously slashing through its protective barrier.

‘It’s working!’

The barrier was finally destroyed. Now he could strike the monster. His entire body was drenched in sweat.

‘This is it.’

Just like the steam coming out from the back of the Flying Toad, Jin-Hyeok’s body also looked like it was emitting wisps of steam. He evaded attacks that could be avoided and blocked unavoidable attacks using the Broadcaster’s Barrier.

However, that did not mean he escaped unscathed.

‘My left shoulder is dislocated.’


This could be fixed by popping it back into place.

‘And I think several of my ribs are fractured.’

Still, it did not hinder his movements, so it was okay.

Blood trickled from the scratches from the claws, but since he wasn’t poisoned, it was manageable. In contrast, the Flying Toad looked relatively okay, aside from the dagger stuck in its left eye.

‘Now red steam is emitting.’

There were only a few seconds left. Once it entered Phase 2, it would transform into a red toad. It would get rid of its wings but it would grow much larger.

‘It’s going to get ten Levels stronger.’

Jin-Hyeok realized while fighting the Flying Toad that it was futile to fight head-on against it in Phase 2.

‘This brings me back.’

He had lost a team member during his previous life\'s encounter with the Flying Toad in Phase 2. Back then, they did not have sufficient information on the monster. The Broadcaster\'s Clairvoyance provided him with the right information this time.

[The 「Flying Toad」 has transformed into 「Crimson Toad」.]

A small window of time was given. Jin-Hyeok started running. He could not focus on the livestream as he needed to focus on his breathing. After a while, he heard a ‘Thump, thump!’ sound from behind.

The Flying Toad, or rather, the Crimson Toad now, was charging toward him. With each leap, it closed the distance by several meters.

The Broadcaster’s Clairvoyance detected its Skill.

[The Crimson Toad activated the Skill, 「Toad Legion」.]

Croak. Croak.

The sound of toads began to echo in the surroundings.

‘There are so many.’

They were small toads. They flooded in like a zombie horde from the abandoned cars and buildings. Toads surrounded Jin-Hyeok from the front, back, left, and right, spewing venom toward him.

[You have applied the Achievement, 「Repeating Shortcuts and Hidden King」.]

Jin-Hyeok didn’t react at all to the Toad Legion’s attacks as all of their attacks were nullified by his Achievement Effect.

‘I can almost see the ocean.’

The Crimson Toad was a monster that could not be killed at the current Level. Even if he was a Swordsman, it would be impossible. No, if he was a Swordsman, he would have been already dead.

Thump! Thump! Thump! Thump!

The sound of the Crimson Toad’s footsteps became slightly more distant. It was because the summoned Toad Legion was actually hindering the monster’s movement.

Jin-Hyeok glanced back for a moment.

‘It’s still stupidly big.’

The Crimson Toad, which was the size of a small building, was chasing after him. It was like a life-or-death game of tag, and Jin-Hyeok found it enjoyable.

With a bit of breathing room, he quickly spoke for his livestream.

“A significant number of casualties occurred in Yeosu. But I noticed something strange. Many people died or were injured, yet those who were near the seaside were fine. The Flying Toad did not approach the beach beyond a certain distance.”

This fact had already been widely reported through the media. As time passed, the fact that the ocean was the Flying Toad’s weakness would also become known, but at this moment in time, no one knew that.

“So I plan to lure it to the sea. Conveniently, the sea is about five hundred meters away.”

The eyes of the Crimson Toad turned red. Its speed and strength would increase exponentially.

‘The monster is probably going to charge toward me like a tank.’

The transformed Crimson Toad did not care about what was in its way. It entered some kind of berserk state. While the sea was a weakness to the Flying Toad, it was a different story for the crazed Crimson Toad.

‘Whether it’s a human or a monster, no one should go crazy like that. The result would be like that thing running toward me. Nobody wants to be like that.’

The Crimson Toad was almost in front of Jin-Hyeok.

‘The pressure is immense.’

It swung its front leg, even bigger than an elephant’s.


A shockwave echoed.

‘And since that’s just a regular attack, it shouldn’t be higher than Level 100.’

Jin-Hyeok decided to take the hit.

‘Activate Broadcaster’s Barrier.’

At the perfect timing, he used the Skill to nullify its attack.


Jin-Hyeok leaped toward the sea. The Toad Legion, including the Crimson Toad, charged at Jin-Hyeok. The sea looked like it had been hit by artillery shells. The monster seemed to be completely submerged in the water. The crazy Crimson Toad continued to swing its front leg at Jin-Hyeok. Meanwhile, red steam erupted from its body uncontrollably.

‘It is slowing down.’

However, the Crimson Toad did not even notice its body becoming sluggish.

As more time passed, its body gradually began to shrink.

[The 「Crmson Toad」 has transformed into 「Flying Toad」.]

‘I did it.’

The current Flying Toad was soaked and could not fly. Its skin had completely dissolved in the seawater, making it easy to kill.

‘Now I can kill it.’

Jin-Hyeok swung his sword several times. With each strike, green blood spurted from the Flying Toad. The surrounding water was stained with a deep green color.

The defeated Flying Toad flipped its belly and floated in the seawater.

[You have defeated the Flying Toad.]

Jin-Hyeok, too, was covered in green blood all over his body. He smiled brightly.

Afterward, notifications began pouring in.

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