
Chapter 84

Chapter 84

Ian quietly observed the darkness beyond the cave, feeling a vibration from his waist. As he glanced at the Sword of Judgement,

"It gets more ominous the further we go. An endless forest and now a cave leading underground."

"A demon scared of such things?"

"Seeing this and not thinking anything of it is something only a beast like you could manage. If a mage could cast such magic, they must be incredibly powerful."

"The strongest mage I know is Ian."

"Well, yes, but... still."

Thesaya and Charlotte entered the cave first, the horse obediently following Charlotte\'s lead despite its reluctance.

"Bold of you to enter without an invitation," Ian remarked as he dismounted.

Thesaya blinked in surprise, "True. I felt no resistance entering here. Maybe because this land is so tainted, all restrictions have been lifted."

An interesting point.

Just then, the sword at Ian\'s waist pulsed again. Narrowing his eyes, Ian finally drew the Sword of Judgement, its blade shimmering faintly with holy light. As if his action was a cue, the light coalesced more intensely along the edge.


The brilliant blue glow eventually faded into the sword, filled with holy energy. Waving the sword slightly, Ian watched as the blue light dispersed in a dim trail.

Ah, so you\'ve decided to learn.

A smirk crossed Ian\'s face, suspecting that Tir En had been watching. Perhaps sensing the loosening connection with its intended relic, the stern Goddess had taken notice, worried that her reach wouldn\'t extend into the underground. Otherwise, there would be no reason to imbue it with holiness in advance. With this amount of holy energy, he could execute at least one strike of judgment.

Well, the pleasure is mine.

Ian sheathed the sword. The light was completely obscured, and the holy energy was imperceptible. He planned not to draw it unless necessary, to avoid depleting the sacred power.

"Ian! Come quick! There\'s something written here too!" Thesaya\'s call came from a few steps down.

Ian, holding the horse\'s reins, entered the underground passage, which was taller and wider than it appeared from the outside and chillingly cold as if breathing could freeze your lungs. Ian joined them after descending the broad, shallow steps.

"Hmm...." A low exclamation escaped him.

As Thesaya had said, ancient Northern runes were engraved on the tall wall.

"What is it? Don\'t keep it to yourself, share with us." Thesaya\'s red eyes glowed as Ian stroked his chin before speaking.

"I still can\'t read the dragon\'s name. Below it, it says this underground palace, once my lair, is gifted to the sole covenantor and once-companion queen. So, this is... essentially a letter included with a gift."

"A letter...?"

Ian didn\'t reply but continued to absorb the inscriptions on the wall. Gradually, the fragmented information in his mind began to align. The ancient dragon whose name remained elusive. The queen of the ancient giant kingdom who studied the power of the void. The specter that called him a usurper.

"This place, the queen\'s study of the void\'s power, her summer palace," Ian blurted out.

Thesaya and Charlotte focused on him, "It remained undiscovered because it was hidden beneath the land of the dragon\'s domain. Perhaps..." Ian\'s gaze drifted beyond the stairs into the darkness.

"The queen might still be here."

"The queen...? The giant queen you\'re talking about?"

"The records of her end were vague. But what I don\'t understand is—"


Before Ian could finish his sentence, the entire cave began to vibrate again. As the group steadied themselves, the already dim interior darkened instantly.

The cave entrance was sinking back into the earth. Ian\'s eyes quickly adjusted to the darkness. Thankfully, there was no calamity of soil pouring in. Instead, a dark blue stone wall, similar in material to the cave itself, completely sealed the entrance.

The vibration subsided, leaving only the faint light emanating from deep within to barely illuminate the stairs. Fortunately, among the group, only the two horses struggled to see in the dimness.

After staring at the stone wall for a moment, Thesaya eventually spoke up.

"Are we... trapped?"

"It appears so," Ian responded calmly.

Even in the darkness, their glowing orange and red eyes turned to him.

"It changes nothing. We didn’t plan to leave empty-handed anyway."

Ian lit a torch and attached it to the saddle, leading the way forward. The staircase extended for quite a while, leading deeper underground and giving an increasingly peculiar sensation to their senses—a testament to ancient magic manipulating the space. As if to affirm the claim of it once being a dragon\'s lair, the ceiling rose higher. The sigil in Ian\'s grasp started pulsing again.

Don\'t rush me. I’m on my way.

Calling me so desperately, what’s up with calling me a usurper?

Ian, with a flick of his tongue, continued through the bluish darkness without pause.


The staircase finally ended when it became impossible to discern their location.

"This so-called underground palace... wasn\'t an exaggeration," Ian murmured quietly at the sight before him.

Regardless of which dragon had gifted this underground palace to the queen, it was clear they were a lover of grand gestures. It resembled the interior of a fortress, brought down below.

Tall ceilings and what looked like a long hall stretched far ahead, with high doorways on either side leading to other chambers. Straight pillars and passageways suggested a grand scale, likely impressive even to the giants. It was certainly larger and more splendid than any giant ruins Ian had seen in the game. The faint blue light tracing the floor\'s edge, the same source illuminating the stairs, provided just enough visibility to make out the palace\'s expanse.

"An impressive relic indeed," even Charlotte couldn’t help but exhale in awe.

Ian’s gaze crossed the central hall toward the doors wide open at the end. From beyond, a bluish magic spilled forth.

—Come to me, covenantor.

The whispers infiltrated Ian\'s ears. This time, they were not hallucinations.

"Do you see those? Incredibly intricate."

As Thesaya gestured around, large and small ice sculptures lined the path. The larger ones resembled giant soldiers; the smaller ones resembled human and dwarf warriors. Each was a meticulous representation of the Giant Kingdom\'s attire and armament.

"They haven’t melted. It’s as if they might come to life at any moment."

"...Yes. It does seem likely." As Ian voiced his thoughts, he mounted his horse.

Thesaya, slightly behind, turned to him with a delayed reaction, "You\'re not joking?"

"No. So, mount up."

Ian pointed toward the doors at the end, "We\'re going beyond there."

"We have to pass through...?"

"Exciting, isn’t it?"

Charlotte mounted her horse, followed by a grimacing Thesaya. Ian lightly tapped the reins, and the horse slowly moved down the central hall. It felt like time and even the air were frozen, with only the bluish magic beyond the doors rippling.

—Hurry, covenantor. Immortality is near.

The whispers grew clearer, audible only to Ian. Neither Charlotte nor Thesaya mentioned the whispers, confirming they were meant for him alone. Ian took in the elaborate ice sculptures on either side as they moved forward, each undoubtedly once alive. How they were crafted remained beyond his imagination.

...But it doesn’t seem like we’ll pass without incident.

Even so, Ian resisted the urge to spur his horse into a gallop, fearing it might disrupt the delicate balance of their current peace.

"Something lies beyond..." Thesaya whispered, tension and anticipation flickering in Charlotte\'s eyes as well.

"Even if it\'s not a dragon, I\'m looking forward to this. A battle with beings of ancient times. I hope they\'re stronger than the previous giants."

"Most likely, that will be the case..." Ian\'s murmur halted as his gaze shifted toward the distant gates, drawn by an urgent whisper in his ears.

—The queen has awakened, covenantor. Hurry...

The whisper, seeming to want to say more, was abruptly cut off. Instead, a different presence was felt.

—You dare step into my palace, usurper...!

A new voice followed, starkly different from the previous whispers, which seemed like a mix of a young girl\'s and an old woman\'s voices. This voice carried an icy rage, clear and resonant.

—Immortality\'s power shall be mine...! Your ambitions will end as mere dreams. I will not permit it...!

What nonsense is this? Ian\'s brow furrowed, but there was no time for deep thought.

Crack, creak— thud...

The statues around them began to move like clockwork dolls, with the sound of ice fracturing. The guardians of the ancient Giant Kingdom were awakening from their slumber.


Ian whipped the reins, spurring the horses into a gallop, with Charlotte\'s horse quickly following suit.


Far ahead, at the gates, clouds of dust mixed with ice shards billowed. The grand doors, wide open, began to close. From a distance, their massive size and thickness were apparent. Like everything else in this space, magic was undoubtedly woven into these doors. If they were fully closed, physically reopening them would be near impossible.

There’s a time limit, too. Fantastic.

In games, failing to meet a time constraint usually meant losing any chance of resolving the situation. You\'d have to give up on the quest or reload a save to try again. Neither option was available now.

—Hurry, covenantor...!

The urgent whisper echoed again.

—My power can only prevent the queen from using her spells... I cannot stop her from issuing orders, so you must overcome this challenge with your abilities...!

Long-winded way of saying to handle it myself. Ian scoffed silently when...


One of the giant guardians stepped onto the pathway. Its movements were dull compared to the Gatekeeper, but its size was similar, enough to block the path. Ian, about to draw the Sword of Judgement, paused and reached into the pocket dimension instead. What he pulled out was Kyle\'s Scale Sword.

No need to waste the holy power. Thinking this, he dismounted.

"Ian! Don\'t slow down!" Charlotte\'s command came from behind, accompanied by a gust of wind as she, wrapped in wind, shot forward at incredible speed.

"Hey! What am I supposed to do alone?" Thesaya yelled in confusion.

Of course, Charlotte was in no state to respond, holding her twin swords like a wild beast and slamming directly into the giant guardian\'s torso.


A gale followed a beat later. Though it didn’t damage the guardian, the pressure was enough to throw off its balance. As the statue staggered, Charlotte, momentarily hovering, spun and kicked off the air again. Her magical gear glinted, and with a beastly roar, she plunged toward the guardian.


Her crossed swords struck the giant\'s head, creating fissures but not shattering it. Landing and crouching, she immediately raised her arms again. The blades, extending at the tips, slashed down repeatedly.

Crash! Crack!

Ice shards flew in all directions. Meanwhile, Ian vaulted over the guardian\'s fallen arm, racing forward.

Close call.

Ian scanned the pathway. Awakened guardians were lumbering toward it, dozens visible, with potentially hundreds more behind. While they weren\'t an insurmountable number, the issue lay with the grand doors closing by the second. Without an alternative route, being trapped inside was a looming threat.

“Keep running, Ian!” Charlotte’s cry followed.

Looking back, Charlotte stood on the horse driven by Thesaya. Thesaya held the reins, but it was the horse that galloped on its own accord. Despite the wild ride, Charlotte’s balance was unshaken. Exchanging glances, Ian realized Charlotte shared his sentiments.

“What the?! Don\'t just make eye contact! Tell me too!”

Amid Ian and Charlotte\'s silent communication, Thesaya yelled.

With a step on her shoulder, Charlotte responded, “Just be ready to fight.”

“What do you mean... Ah?!” Thesaya buckled momentarily as Charlotte, using her as a springboard, launched forward.

“I could\'ve fallen, you beast!” Thesaya\'s protest faded as Charlotte, like a cannonball, plunged toward the guardians emerging onto the path.


Her crossed swords scattered the guardians in all directions, ice shards flying. Amidst this, Charlotte rolled to a safe landing, continuing her charge with a speed akin to horseback.

...I wonder if it\'s a good thing that she\'s enjoying this.

Ian noted Charlotte’s smirk, her recklessness bordering on folly, but now wasn’t the time for caution.


The grand doors were more than half shut. The magical barrier beyond silently rippled. Ian\'s eyes flickered gray, the wind swirling around him and the horse. With a mutual understanding with Charlotte, there was no need to wait for the others. Ian surged forward, Charlotte intercepting obstacles thrown their way. As time passed, the guardians\' movements grew more fluid, and Charlotte spared no effort in utilizing her magical gear\'s full capabilities.

—Futile resistance, usurper...! You shall pay for succumbing to the devil\'s temptation...!

The queen’s voice continued. Ian\'s brow furrowed.

From what they\'re doing, it seems like they\'re one and the same. Did the queen capture the devil? And the devil called me?

Doing crazy things as a corrupted one is the same now as it was in ancient times.


With a loud crash, Ian lifted his head. A giant guardian who had approached unnoticed was swinging a huge greatsword down. Charlotte was fighting with human guardians on the opposite side. The guardians had gotten so close that she couldn\'t handle them alone anymore.

Just as Ian was about to whip the reins,


The greatsword tore through the Whirling Barrier in an instant, grazing the back of his head as it fell. The horse that had been split in two bounced up, scattering blood and innards from the severed surface. Ian, grinding his teeth on the ground, was engulfed in magical power.

Whoosh— Boom—!

Fireballs launched toward the guardian, exploding on impact. At that moment, Ian managed to regain his posture.


Charlotte burst through the blood mist, grabbing the back of Ian’s armor, and charged forward.

“I\'ll avenge your horse,” she declared, throwing him with all her might.

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