
Chapter 289: Roland is also annoying

  Gwen Stacy with a ponytail and Mary Jane sat facing each other, and a cup of coffee was placed in front of each of them.

Mary-Jane with red hair held the coffee spoon, stirred the sugar milk added into the cup evenly, then placed it on the outside of the saucer, picked up the cup, and took a sip. At the same time, Gwen, whose chin rested on the back of her hand, - Stacey exhaled heavily, took off the green windbreaker in threes and fives, and threw it on the inside of the sofa.

  When the black knitted sweater wrapped around her tight body appeared, the irritated words, like the black on her body, could be seen clearly but could not be touched, "Mary! I really have had enough!"

  Gwen Stacy confided to her classmate and friend opposite, "I think Peter has changed!"

   "Since we went to college together, he is completely different from before!"

"In high school, we dated, we hung out together, he was very punctual! Occasionally he was late, and he would explain it clearly to me! But after college, he was almost never on time! Every date, he would be late ! Every time we get together, he either finds various reasons to explain his late behavior, or he finds various excuses to leave early!"

   "I can\'t bear that perfunctory attitude!"

  The empty hands kept flying in front of Mary-Jane, and the burning anger made her face look hideous.

In such a situation, Mary-Jane, who put down her coffee cup, pursed her lips and smiled at the same time, she also comforted: "Maybe he is really busy? And every time he explains, I think it is very reasonable... "

   "The aunt at home asked him for something and needed his help. He couldn\'t help but go, right?"

   "The professors in the school asked him to do experiments. In order to graduate smoothly, he can\'t just say \'NO\' to others, right?"

   "And the motorcycle he was riding is already very broken, and it\'s normal to have some problems..."

  Mary Jane frowned slightly, trying hard to help Peter Parker in the topic explain.

  But this kind of empathy, in the eyes of Gwen Stacy, is an extremely perfunctory and clumsy excuse!

   "Did he really only have one problem with being late?"

   "If it\'s just these things, then forget it!"

   "The most uncomfortable thing for me is that he doesn\'t cherish the things I gave him at all!"

   "I gave him a pair of Nike shoes for his birthday this year, but one fell out within a week!"

   “I gave him a Nike jacket for Christmas this year and within three days it was gone!”

   "In order to let him have a sense of time, I specially bought him a watch, and it turned out...it turned out..."

   "As a result, he asked me the next day, where did I buy that watch!"

   "Because it\'s flooded and needs to be repaired!"

   "I bought it after working for three months! However, in his hands, he didn\'t even live for 24 hours!"

   "I\'m really fed up!"

  The words of catharsis blurted out, and the outburst of irritability attracted the attention of the surrounding guests.

   Facing such a list of crimes that presented facts and reason, Mary Jane suddenly felt that the previous explanation was weak.

Sighing, she hid her embarrassment with a smile, raised her head and looked around, and when exploring the real reactions of the customers around her, she also hoped to use other forces to calm her friends down, but when her gaze passed the door of the coffee shop, the man holding flowers , the handsome young man with a helpless face made her, the one who reconciled, smell the embarrassment that permeated the air.

  The collar of the blue shirt is turned outward, and the dark knitted sweater is extremely old-fashioned. If it is paired with jeans and sneakers, this kind of programmer dress that exists in San Francisco\'s Silicon Valley will look out of place when compared with Manhattan, New York.

  If coupled with the girlfriend\'s direct diss, that twitching face is even more likely to make people feel sympathetic.

  If you were a normal person, you would turn and leave after staring for a while.

   And when the handsome Peter Parker wanted to do the same to escape from this sad place, he shouted, interrupting his thoughts and pulling everyone present out of the scene.


   "No good!"

The truck driver sitting behind the monitor popped his head, lying on the machine, holding the guide tube and shouting at Roland who turned his head in doubt: "I showed you the book five years ago! But your emotions Still wrong!"

"The conflict between Peter and Gwen is the conflict between companionship and guardianship. Gwen\'s father hoped that Peter could protect the city before he died, and Peter did so, but Gwen didn\'t know that Peter was Spider-Man, So she expressed dissatisfaction with Peter\'s constant disappearance, saving the world, and not only that, she also had a big fight with Peter before she confides in Mary."

   "The content of the quarrel is whether Spider-Man is the real culprit who killed her father!"

   "In this situation, Peter was very depressed, and when Peter saw Gwen complaining about his actions in front of Mary, what he had in his heart was more entanglement."

   "He struggled with whether to obey Gwen\'s father\'s last words! He struggled with whether to tell Gwen the truth! He was tired of hiding life for many years! At the same time, he realized Mary\'s soft side..."

"Gwen\'s confession to Mary is Peter\'s emotional turning point in the whole series. He did love Gwen before, but after years of quarrels, this love has faded, and then Gwen died because of him. At the time, Peter felt more guilty, and at the same time, it was precisely because he had recognized Mary\'s tenderness and understanding before that he was with Mary in the third part."

   "Because what a superhero needs is such a partner who can accommodate himself!"

   "In this way, the emotion you want to express in this scene is to release the depression in your body to Gwen\'s back, and then before leaving, your eyes collide with Mary, bursting out with appreciation and emotion!"

   "I appreciate Mary\'s understanding, and feel that her temper is better than Gwen\'s!"

   "And what about you now?"

   "When you look at Gwen\'s back, it feels like you did something wrong and want to apologize to Kate!"

   "Uh... You didn\'t really do something bad, did you?"

  From the loud explanation to the sudden question, the truck driver lying on the monitor winked at Roland.

  The slightly teasing words evoked a chuckle from the audience.

The cameraman in front of the camera rubbed his nose with his fingers, Reese Witherspoon, who played Gwen Stacy in the coffee shop, pursed her lips in joy, and Kate Mara, who played Mary Jane, brushed her hair back with a smile. Behind the ear, the guy in charge of collecting the sound put down the pole, and the lighting engineer put the reflector in front of him. As for Roland?

   This guy was already sullen, flashed to the side of the truck driver, and raised his hand to beat him up!

   "Can you save some face?"

   Roland slapped the old man on the shoulder, and put his arm on it, "What do you want to say, can you let me come over?"

   "Is it necessary to shout here with the guide horn?"

   "I\'m not talking too loudly, can you hear me?" The truck driver asked back with a smile, then raised the guide tube, and said to the staff on site: "All take a fifteen-minute break."

Following his words, the scene immediately burst into cheers, and the staff walked away with great interest, went to the rest area to drink water and eat snacks, and the two leading actors in the coffee shop also got into the trailer tacitly, leaving only one old and one young. Two people were missing, and the feet were rooted and did not move.

   After everyone left, the truck driver lost his scruples and asked, "Is it difficult to act?"

   "You were the one who told me before that you guys were going to hype up a relationship, so why do you break up when your eyes meet now?"

   Transactions cannot be hidden from people at all. The biggest difference is nothing more than the distinction between content and results.

  Most people in the circle only know the final result, and truck drivers, more or less know the transaction content of a few of them.

   Hearing his question, Roland, who was still showing a fierce look in front of everyone, smiled helplessly, nodded and said: "Yes, the relationship may not be able to be fired with a lot of fanfare..."

   "No way, this matter is not up to me alone."

   That\'s right!

   While Sony was struggling with whether Roland would pay back according to the terms of the deal, Roland was also worried about the romance hype!

  Before, according to the agreement between the two parties, the news that Peter Parker fell in love with Mary Jane would fly in the sky for a period of time, and then the person concerned would come forward to refute the rumors. In the end, Roland, who realized the power of public opinion, would choose to quit the circle.

From the suspected empathy to the final abandonment of his career, the whole process not only earned people\'s attention, but also raised Roland\'s personal image infinitely. After all, after being harassed by public opinion, he gave up love for a leg. !


   is to give up career for love!

   But now, with the entry of other funds, all of this has been stopped.

  In the words of Warren Buffett, since you can earn stable compound interest, there is no need to give it a go.

  Since Roland can directly announce his resignation, then don\'t act in the soap opera of mother-in-law and mother in front of the public!

  Although soap operas can arouse greater influence, at the same time, they must also have negative effects.

   Flies don’t bite seamless eggs. As long as negative news spreads, people will believe it.

  Even if it is finally washed, it will not be restored to the past.

   "Do you think that one billion is easy to get?"

   "He stopped the hype plan directly."

   Roland shrugged, expressing helplessness, while Cameron nodded slowly after getting the result, expressing his understanding.

  After pondering for a while, he said again: "No wonder when you just performed, all your emotions were focused on Reese."

   "It\'s not that you dare not talk to Kate Mara, but that under the **** of capital, your body has an instinctive reaction to avoid suspicion."

   "Perhaps?" Roland shrugged, not paying much attention.

"Subconscious resistance can be changed. Wouldn\'t it be enough to cast a grateful look at Kate Mara before I turn around later? Thank you Mary Jane for comforting Gwen Stacy when I needed help most .”

  “Although it is different from appreciation and emotion, gratitude can replace the former.”

  Emotional replacement, Roland is now very familiar with it.

  Although it is impossible to reveal the truth, it is no problem to confuse the real with the fake.

   And the truck driver will not be entangled in such trivial matters. Judging from the audience\'s standards, this scene has no bugs, so it can pass. As for the film critics? Those comments have long been unable to affect them.

  Of course, he doesn\'t give any guidance to Roland in terms of performance, but he can still care about him in terms of life.

   "So—this thing is just dragging on like this?" The truck driver pulled out a cigarette and a lighter, and lit one for himself.

"Otherwise? Do you want me to return one billion to Warren Buffett?" Roland rolled his eyes at the old man, and he didn\'t want to smoke because he couldn\'t find a clue. It doesn\'t matter at all."

   "Of course!" The truck driver nodded in agreement, "If that\'s the case, then leave Sony alone."

   "Anyway, they can\'t do anything to you in the movie now."

   As a guy who can divorce his wife after becoming famous, the truck driver doesn\'t think there is any problem with giving capital pigeons.

In his view, every decision in a person\'s life should be his own comfort. If he is unhappy, it is meaningless to earn more. But for Roland, letting Sony dove, the problem is actually very big. big.

   After all, he is going to fool Sony into investing in "Black Hawk Down"!

If you have a bad relationship with Sony in terms of hype and announcement, it will become very difficult to encourage the other party to invest in the project and control the release time, and this is the key to killing Sony. .

  If "Black Hawk Down" cannot be released in the range that Roland wants, then even if Sony shoots it, the impact on them will be quite limited.

   But there is no way...

  Compared to killing Sony, personal brand is the meat that has already been eaten!

   What\'s more, after killing Sony, he can\'t get a share of the process of dismembering the corpse, so...

   Focusing on the present is the most important thing.

  If you can’t think of a good solution, you can only take one step at a time.

\'Eh! Why is it so difficult for me to have everything? \'

  Of course, although he was depressed, Roland did not vent his emotions on the performance.

  Under the gaze of the truck driver, although there were twists and turns in the next shooting, it was still under everyone\'s control.

   While Roland was filming during the day, accompanied Kate at night, and spent the rest of his time pondering how to repair his relationship with Sony, the news of Zipperton\'s visit to Japan and South Korea was faithfully reported by CNN.

Watching the news every day, making up for missing memories is a basic exercise. He has watched eight hundred of the interview news of Zizton over the years. It is nothing new at all, but this time, the situation is a little different. same.

  On November 22, after the visit to Zipperton, America officially announced—

  Decided to impose punitive tariffs on imports of Japanese hot-rolled steel plates, and import manufacturers also need to pay protection money to the customs.

   At the same time, Japan responded immediately—

  Decided to impose a 1,000 percent tariff on rice imported from America.

  (end of this chapter)

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