
Chapter 640 V2 ch112

Chapter 640 V2 ch112

Saturday I got my opportunity to play, and succeeded at hitting a home run every time I came up to bat.

"Wow, Jake." Julian told me at one point while we were both on the bench. "You took two weeks off, but you look stronger than ever."

I turned a shade of red from his compliment. "I’ve been feeling stronger...than before, at least."

Julian patted me on the head. "You’re going to be even better next year. Too bad I won’t get to be a part of it." He glanced to his younger brother, who was up to bat. "Andy might though."

"I think Andy will make his own mark on the team." Zeke spoke up. "He doesn’t need to be a prop for Jake. Or Noah. He’s got his own skills and talents."

Julian laughed. "You think Coach will just start letting freshmen on the team after Noah and Jake? Those are big shoes to fill."

"I think his willingness to play any position and hustle for every play, will grab Coach’s attention." Zeke analyzed. "He does need to work on his batting, just like Noah does. They have a few more months to improve and show off their skill set."

"Don’t let Andy hear you." Julian sighed. "I don’t want him to get his hopes up."

We finished the game and the weekend passed in a blink of any eye. I spent most of my time studying and doing my exercises to get better. This was going to be a busy week. Softball and our summer class both ended on a Thursday. Then Friday is Noah’s 15th birthday. Sunday night we would leave for Stanford.

Spanish wasn’t that hard since Mrs. Lorenz was very accommodating and helped the class go over the main points of our last test. Even Mitchell was feeling pretty confident as we left the classroom.

"I feel like that was easier than the actual class." He sighed with relief. "Maybe I should take more summer classes before my senior year."

Noah laughed. "Or it felt easier because you had already learned the subject once before."

"Hey!" Mitchell pretended to be offended.

"I’m just glad it’s over." Noah said. "Now we have more time for baseball."

"You guys still going to that camp next week?" Mitchell asked. He knew some of our plans since Noah was so excited to share.

"Yep! We leave Sunday night with Zeke, and then it’ll start Monday morning." Noah bounced his way to the library. "Softball was fun, but it’s just not the same. I think next year, we’ll go to a lot of camps like the twins did. Right, Jake?" He looked to me, hope in his eyes.

Feeling like I was holding him back, I quickly nodded. Next summer, I’ll be better. I have to be.

"Man, I can’t wait for the twins to come back." Mitchell grinned. "Get a few more extra bullpen sessions in before our high school camp. I’ll definitely be a standout."

Noah chuckled. "Of course you’ll standout. You’re the only returning catcher from varsity. Everyone else graduated. You practically have a target on your back. Everyone is trying to beat you."

Mitchell raised an eyebrow. "I think it’ll be like that for all returning varsity members. Except for the twins and Garret. Their positions are solid. The other pitchers just have to fight for scraps."

"I’ll be ready." Noah declared.

"I’ll see you guys around after you get back from the Stanford camp." Mitchell waved and left us once he saw Zeke coming out of the library.

Zeke was in a good mood as well, treating us to frozen yogurt on our way home. We didn’t even have lunch yet, plus he didn’t care how many toppings Noah had put on his ice cream. It was a perfect summer day: no more class for the next month, the weather was finally something I was used to, and there were no hurdles on the horizon.

Even when we lost in softball that night to Cassie and her team, and ultimately losing first place in the league to them, no one was upset about it. It was a fun month of playing with friends and feeling like a normal teen.

"We should do an end of the year party." Noah suggested to everyone as we packed up. He looked to Alisha. "Would you like to offer up your pool and backyard to the team?"

Alisha laughed. "Yea, I can do that."

"It can’t be tomorrow though." Noah said. "It’s my birthday."

Oddly enough...no one looked surprised. Not even Alisha. Some of them exchanged glances and small smiles, but Noah didn’t catch any of it. He was just rambling to Alisha, telling her to ask her parents if we can do a party on Saturday or Sunday.

"Sure." Alisha smiled warmly. "I’ll ask them and let you know."

"Great! Thanks!" Noah said.

I was immediately suspicious. Tomorrow is Noah’s birthday so wouldn’t Alisha be fighting for a chance to spend it with him?

A heavy hand landed on my shoulder, making me jump. I looked to and found that the hand belonged to Zeke.

"Tomorrow’s going to be fun, Jake." Zeke said in a low voice. "Just follow along, okay?"

It didn’t feel like I had a choice. I nodded obediently.

Throughout the night I wanted to remind Noah to be careful about his birthday, but apparently with the twins being gone, he wasn’t feeling that scared. Even when we went to bed, he claimed that Zeke couldn’t do much to mess with him. There was no school to go to. There wasn’t going to be anyone to see him embarrassed from some home pranks. He felt safe. I could only sigh and thought to myself that he was naive. Didn’t he know Zeke better than me?

When I woke up from a gentle shake, I knew that Noah was still going to be pranked. What I didn’t expect though, is that Mom and Dad were a part of it too. Dad was the one shaking me, holding a finger to his lips.

I also didn’t expect to be out of my bed already. Somehow, someone had carried me downstairs as I slept. Now I was in the barely lit living room, laying on the couch. Dad pointed at some clothes folded up, hinting that I should get dressed.

I got up and grabbed the clothes, heading for the downstairs bathroom. I glanced upstairs and saw Mom and Zeke, but couldn’t tell what they were doing. I quickly changed and came back out, noticing that Mom and Zeke were almost down the stairs now.

Dad tapped on my shoulder and motioned for me to follow him. He led me to the front yard in the dark. Sunrise was about to come, giving me a hint at what time it was. We both got into his car.

"I didn’t know you guys would outright participate in Noah’s birthday pranks." I immediately stated, knowing that it was safe to speak all the way out here.

Dad grinned. "Now that the boys are older, we usually let them be. Without the twins around though, we felt like Noah might be feeling a little too safe. Zeke came to us with a suggestion, knowing that you wouldn’t feel comfortable participating."

I made a face. "Aren’t you guys making me participate right now?"

Dad laughed. "No. We just saved you from the danger zone. You’re welcome."

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