
Chapter 431: A colorful gem vs the Devil

"He still needs at least half an hour to power that portal." Sloth responds.

"And we need break thought that barrier." Lust comments.

Lucien looks at his troops and uses his demonic energy to make his voice echo loudly. "Attack the barrier."

They start attacking the barrier with everything they have, especially magical attacks, forcing the angels who are trying to cross it to run in the other directions.

Inside the barrier, Agapius remains hidden behind some Earth Realm angels while the rest of his group is energizing the portal. Seeing that he might not be able to escape in time, he takes a bright-colored stone from his storage ring and holds it in his hand.

That is one of the few instant teleport gems left over after he gave almost all of them to Melitta and the other angels who came to Argerim before. He would not come without an escape plan, of course.

"I\'m not sure about that... Well, if they are our enemies..." Eve thinks out loud.

"They are angels!" Pride speaks. "There is no doubt that they are our enemies. They would never spare us if the situation were reversed."

"You can\'t-" Genevieve quickly replies.

"Shut up!" But Lucien speaks in a firm tone, making her get silent, and bows her head.

Then he looks at Pride. "In my world, there is a whole nation that hates my people because they are from different cultures. We saw the Light Empire attack any demi-human just because they are different... It\'s always the same shit."

Then he sighs. "I thought that someone with your peculiar appearance would understand that this kind of thinking does not make sense."

"What\'s wrong with my appearance?" Pride quickly asks.

"Nothing." He quickly responds. "Do you know what I see when I look at you? Not a demon, or a Sin, but a beautiful and strong woman."

"..." Pride doesn\'t know what to think about that.

Then Lucien looks at the frightened angels while still talking to her. "I understand that you are proud of your race, I also feel something like that. But you cannot hate other entire races because of your race."

"You don\'t understand..." She comments. "I have lived for thousands of years, and the angels never stop to think about these things. They are only loyal to the Gods and kill everyone else. Why should we spare them after they attack us?"

"I get it." He looks at her again. "But those angels... Maybe not all of them are like that. They\'re just scared men and women. And I\'m sure not all of them are exactly loyal to the Gods."

"..." Pride doesn\'t say anything and just shakes her head with an expression of denial.

Then Lucien looks at Eve. "I\'m not telling us to surrender or stop killing our enemies. I just think we need to understand more about the current situation, especially about the angel called Alexa. And not massacring these angels now can be of more benefit to us."

"Do you really think an alliance with her is possible?" Eve asks.

"No way!!" Pride speaks in her usual arrogant tone.

But Sloth thinks differently. "If we can help each other, there is always room for an alliance."

Genevieve looks at Lucien with a pleading expression, and then he nods at her, letting her say what she thinks. "Lady Alexa hates the Gods because they treat us like slaves. I\'m sure she would like to make an alliance with someone who has no racist thoughts."

"What if, instead of cooperating, she is more interested in attacking us? Spare those angels will only give her more chances to kill us." Wrath comments.

"If she is hostile to us, I will kill her with my own hands," Lucien speaks with a determined tone.

"I would never allow that!!" Helena gets furious just for imagining someone hurting Alexa.

Lucien squeezes his grip on the golden naginata\'s shaft while looking Helena in the eye. "And I would have to kill you both..."

The mood quickly starts to get tense, so Donna stands between Lucien and Helena. "Luci!! She is on our side!"

"Alright..." Eve looks at Pride with a determined expression. "I understand that killing them might be the best option, but I want to give Luci a chance to do things his way."

Before Pride says anything, Eve continues. "But if we realize that it really isn\'t going to work, then we\'re going to do it your way and kill them all."

Pride looks at Lucien. "That is your responsibility! If the blood of one of our people is spilled, it will be your fault."

"I will kill them all before that happens." He quickly responds as he feels his determination flow through the golden naginata, getting stronger and stronger.

"I hope so..." Pride responds casually, but she is really impressed by his determination, especially as he continues to go against her. We must remember that Pride\'s aura makes people, even stronger than she, respect and want to follow her lead naturally.

Helena doesn\'t like how things are going. She knows that Lucien and the Sins are merciless, so she can\'t help but fear that they won\'t be able to form an alliance with Alexa.

On the other hand, she knows that Lucien will not hurt a woman who agrees to cooperate with him. Therefore, she chooses to have faith that Alexa will see that too. And for now, she cannot save Agapius from what he himself sought.

"So, you\'re not going to kill them, right?" She asks him with a pleading expression.

"Not all of them..." Lucien looks at Agapius behind other angels and then smiles excitedly as blood from the other angels drips from his clothes.

*BAM* *BAM* *BAM* *BAM* *BOOOOM* *Crack*

The girls\' magical attacks start to crack the barrier, shocking Agapius, and the other angels. That barrier was made using so many magical resources to resist attacks by Immortal Realm people. Still, it is quickly being destroyed by dozens of Mortal Realm women and some Earth Realm ones.

"No, no, no, no..." Agapius starts to shake with fear even though he has an instant teleport gem in his hand.

When several cracks appear in the center of the barrier, Lucien\'s smile gets bigger, and his eyes sparkle with a murderous glow as he squeezes the golden naginata\'s shaft. "Only one more person has to die today."

Then he flaps his wings so hard, creating a wave of force that creates a small crater below his feet as he flies towards the barrier with incredible speed.


He attacks the barrier with the golden naginata, which glows brightly as Its blade pierces forward, causing the entire barrier to collapse.

"SHIT!!!" Agapius quickly smashes the instant teleport gem while closing his eyes and imagining his bedroom in his castle.

Using so much demonic energy and being so excited to kill, Lucien sees everything in slow motion as his senses are more boosted than ever.

As he flies towards Agapius, he sees the angel\'s body becoming translucent and rising towards the sky. In those hundredths of a second, even Lust doesn\'t have time to explain to him that Agapius may be using an instant teleport gem.

But it is evident that he is escaping, and that leaves Lucien upset. Agapius had the audacity to say that he was not a good man for his wives and still threatened to harm them. That kind of thing cannot go unpunished.

And seeing that his enemy is about to escape, Lucien extracts each particle of demonic energy into his body and also all his remaining wind mana, boosting his speed more than ever before.

While activating the instant teleport gem, Agapius feels an instinctive fear growing inside his soul, freezing his spine. He can already visualize the floor of his bedroom while his body is becoming just colored energy, but something seems really wrong.

Lucien sees Agapius\' body in the middle of that colorful energy, flying out of Argerim. Then he flies upwards too, at such an unbelievable speed that a fissure opens in the ground above where he passes.

Even so, it looks like he is not going to reach the angel; after all, Agapius is using an extremely rare and impressive artifact. Still, Lucien does not give up and forces his body to the limit.

At that moment, only Pride can follow his movements with the eyes. She is really impressed with that speed, which even Immortal Realm people could not easily reach.

What everyone else sees is Agapius\' body turning a colorful light and fading into the sky while Lucien, in the form of a purple blur, follows him. For half of them, it is impossible for Lucien to reach Agapius, but his troops and wives do not think that way.

Even though they know how fast instant teleport gems works, Lust, Envy, Sloth, Pride, and even Wrath, can\'t help but cheer for Lucien.

But he realizes that not even forcing his body beyond the limits, he will reach Agapius. And when he starts to be frustrated, a vision of the golden gate in his soul appears in his mind. The golden naginata in his hand shines like a sun, blinding everyone except him and Pride.

His lips again curve into a smile as he stops focusing his demonic energy on his whole body and uses it only in his right arm, the one with which he is holding the golden naginata.

"HAAAAAAA!!!!" And then he throws it... Using all the strength he can, using all his will, he throws the golden naginata towards the last particle of light of Agapius\' body.


The golden naginata cuts through the air with even greater speed than Lucien\'s. And while Its brightness competes directly with that of the sun, everyone below feels a powerful aura forcing them down.

Even Lucien\'s group is afraid of that powerful aura. Except for Pride, of course. She smiles while that dominant and arrogant energy is like the best food for her.

And for Agapius, that is even more frightening than for the angels who are watching from afar. Even at that semi-etheric state, he feels something very powerful approach.

The vision of his bedroom begins to disappear as the golden naginata approaches his body. That powerful aura even makes the instant teleport gem\'s energy disperse, causing the teleportation process to fail.

Agapius\' body returns to normal, and he is quickly blinded by the golden light before he feels brutal energy begin to tear his body from the back of his feet.

Just as Lucien planned, the naginata does not hit his body directly but passes behind him, and Its energy is enough to tear his body from the bottom to the top, creating a brutal but not fatal wound.


That powerful energy breaks all the bones in Agapius\' back, and he even loses control of his wings as he falls from the sky and screams in pain. "AAAAAAAAHHHH!!!!"

Lucien takes a deep breath and smiles as he sees Agapius falling towards him. At that moment, people\'s vision begins to return to normal, and everyone also sees that scene.

"Oh, was you trying to run away? Is that how a real man acts? Hahaha..." Lucien starts to laugh and flies in the direction of Agapius.

Then he takes Agapius by the base of his wings. The angel begins to cry in despair and pain. "NO, NO, NO, PLEASE!!!"

"Too late for regrets..." Lucien comments as he has a psychotic smile on his face.

Then he raises his right leg and places his knee on Agapius\' back while holding his wings. Everyone can understand what he will do next: the worst and most painful punishment for an angel.

Although she doesn\'t like Agapius, Helena closes her eyes so as not to see that. Then she hears the crack sounds followed by the piercing cry of that pathetic angel.

After forcing his body down, Lucien throws Agapius on the ground while his wings stay in his hand. With an open back and broken bones, Agapius is in a situation where no one wanted to be. Everyone would rather die than go through that.

The golden naginata appears in Lucien\'s hand again as he releases Agapius\' wings. While those wings fall, the poor angel cries to death, which does not come really fast.

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