
Chapter 930 - Getting Lost And The Way Out

Chapter 930: Getting Lost And The Way Out

“We have to go now, a terrifying one is coming!”

After declaring so, Lin brought Gu Qing Shan through a crack in the void of space and escaped Seaside World.

When they left, Gu Qing Shan saw the scene of the desolate Apocalypse spreading through the entire world.

All living beings caught within it couldn’t help but accept the Fate of another Reality——


The entire world had taken on the fixed destiny of being thoroughly ravaged and destroyed.

The parallel world was gradually eating away at the Seaside World until it was nothing but barren land.

——— not!

At the final corner of the world, at a certain secluded island, there were still a few seagulls left alive.

The wave of death that swept through everything stopped here.

This was a coincidence that no one could expect.

The parallel world as well as the Apocalypse it was fighting against happened to spread to this exact location and stopped.

Both the parallel world and the Apocalypse that belonged to it both had no strength left to move forward.


A figure collapsed on the sandy beach of the island.

The Abyssal Demon Dragon!

Carrying a body full of wounds, and covered in blood, he laid flat on the ground, breathing heavily.

「 Ah... haha ha ha! I finally managed to escape from the Apocalypse! 」 the Demon Dragon laughed like crazy.

“That’s right, who could’ve thought, I was also just a step away from death as well” a voice responded to him.

「 But this place still isn’t safe, god knows when this calamity is going to start spreading again, I need to hurry up and leave! 」the Abyssal Demon Dragon mumbled to himself.

“That’s right, you’re absolutely correct, we need to leave right now. This calamity had spread so many times already, who knows if it’s going to grow bigger again” the voice complained.

The Abyssal Demon Dragon suddenly regained his senses and looked around, loudly shouting: 「 Who’s there! Acting so suspicious like that, get out here! 」

“Shh! Shh!” the voice hurriedly said: “Don’t disturb the baby, otherwise both you and I aren’t going to make it”

When the Abyssal Demon Dragon tried saying something else, he discovered that his mouth had been sealed practically shut.

He was a powerful Abyssal monster, but he couldn’t even open his mouth to speak right now, what kind of terrifying power is this?

The Abyssal Demon Dragon had an expression of fear.

Ever since he was assimilated into the Abyss, there hadn’t been anything, not even Mystic abilities that could affect him.

The voice whispered to him: “Are you afraid? That’s right, everyone is afraid, you’re afraid of me, while I’m afraid of this calamity that wrecked my home, and also afraid that the 900 million World Layers wouldn’t be as comfortable as is it at home, so I’m going to have you come with me and lead the way”

A long finger appeared out of nowhere, lightly pushed the Abyssal Demon Dragon’s body into the void of space, then vanished.

On the island, everything returned to silence.


At another location.

Lin had brought Gu Qing Shan into the space vortex, traveling through the endless void of space.

“What was the ‘terrifying one’ that you mentioned just now?” Gu Qing Shan asked.

“I barely just managed to sense it, but it was most likely a monster on the same level as the Soul Shrieker’s main body” Lin replied.

Gu Qing Shan was speechless.

An avatar managed to level the entire 900 million World Layers by itself, so if a main body-level monster were to appear...

He shook his head.

Seeing how tense Lin was, he asked again: “Is the world in the Abyss, one where strength rules over all else?”

Unexpectedly, Lin denied it: “That’s not it. Other than fallen ones like the Demon Dragon and myself, most of the native creatures in the Abyss are beyond logic and rationality, they have their own rules and methods”

“Like a mental patient?”

“Yes, but they all believe that their way is the correct way”

Seeing how Gu Qing Shan seemed confused, Lin explained further: “For example, the Soul Shrieker. It believed that the twin swords Heaven and Earth are a crucial Abyssal Weapon that would greatly affect the future, so it deceived the majority of the monsters in the Abyss to secretly send an avatar into the Primordial Heaven Realm, spending great effort and time just to forge these two Soul Artifacts”

“But then, its main body never participated in this matter at all and instead fell dormant—— you simply cannot tell what it’s actually thinking”

Gu Qing Shan mused briefly and nodded.

If they were monsters whose behaviours couldn’t be predicted or explained, then there was no such thing as a common way to interact with them.

Suddenly, Lin’s expression relaxed.

Gu Qing Shan glanced at her and asked: “Safe?”

Lin’s gaze was still focused on the void of space, carefully sensing something.

“Not giving chase...” she slowly replied, “It seems the target wasn’t us, it just happened to be affected by the Apocalypse and couldn’t help but flee the Abyss”

Gu Qing Shan also sighed in relief.

He then realized just how urgent the issue was.

This was no time for them to be worrying about unrelated matters.

I can’t keep abiding by normal rules anymore, I need to do everything I can to become stronger.

“Let’s stop here for now” Gu Qing Shan said.

Lin stopped moving forward in the space vortex and looked back at him.

Gu Qing Shan took out the 5 Cards that Lin gave him earlier.

Since they were Cards that made it to the auction house, they were considerably useful fighting-type Cards, but Gu Qing Shan didn’t care about a single one of them right now.

He needed to advance through using extraordinary means!

As soon as he took these Cards out, lines of glowing text appeared on the War God UI:

[You’ve discovered Cards that you can consume]

[Would you like to consume these Cards to advance your rank as an Envoy of Condemnation?]

Gu Qing Shan confirmed: “Yes”

All the text on the War God UI vanished, replaced by a new line of text:

[The grade of these Cards are too low, you need a powerful Card to use as the main material in order to complete your Envoy of Condemnation advancement]

Gu Qing Shan took out another Card without hesitation.

This Card depicted a mountainous majestic monster, with two vertical irises in both eyes and a pair of faint, dark wings.

Behind the monster were an uncountable sea of monsters.

They lined up orderly and neatly, weapons in hand, giving off a sharp feeling.

——-Bloodsea Card: Bloodsea God Army

Su Xue Er once gave him this Card in exchange for his [Predictor of Fate] Card from the King of Destiny deck.

As soon as he took out this Card, a notification popped up on the War God UI:

[Using this Card as the main material, you can complete your Card grade advancement]

Gu Qing Shan sighed.

I have to use this world right now.

Apparently sensing Gu Qing Shan’s thought, the monster on the [Bloodsea God Army] Card looked at him.

「 Are you willing to give up on your covenant with the Blood Sea? If that is the case, I do not mind 」[Bloodsea God Army] told him.

“There’s no other way, I need to use this Card in this way” Gu Qing Shan replied.

[Bloodsea God Army] told him: 「 Everything depends completely on your will, but you must understand, by doing this, you accept the severance of your covenant with the Blood Sea 」

“I understand” Gu Qing Shan replied.

「 Then there is no issue 」

[Bloodsea God Army] replied.

Gu Qing Shan put this Card together with the 5 others into the War God UI at once and uttered the words: “Consume!”

All 6 Cards vanished without a trace.

Lines of glowing text scrolled past the War God UI:


[Lapis Card: Sword cultivator Gu Qing Shan is currently upgrading to Azure grade, please be patient]

When Gu Qing Shan took a look, he found that the Card that depicted him had already turned around and the face could no longer be seen.

But the color on the back was clearly changing.

The Lapis color was receding.

While Azure-colored runes were slowly manifesting.

This was a gradual process, so other than waiting, there was nothing else he could do to interfere.

Gu Qing Shan stopped looking at it and asked: “Where are we going now?”

Lin casually admitted: “We’re lost. The space vortex is being changed by the corrosion of the Abyss, so we have no way to deduce the exact direction we’re heading.

Gu Qing Shan thought briefly.

They weren’t simply lost.

Right now, no one is able to find the coordinates of the Strife Zones, not even Kitty. Even though I have my home world’s beacon, I also have no way to bypass the entire Strife Zones to directly return either. [1]

Which means to return, I have to go through the Strife Zones.

——-the only way to actually go there is through the path that the Earth Creator left behind on the star chart.

But the next world that I was supposed to arrive at on the star chart was Riddle World.

After I killed that pixie, I lost the only means I had to reach Riddle World.


Then, rather than jumping into random worlds, I should—–

Gu Qing Shan tapped his Inventory Bag and took out a bunch of assorted items.

He was hesitating, picking through these items.

“What are these things?” Lin curiously asked.

Gu Qing Shan picked each of them up one by one and recited from memory: “This dagger is the Shadow Fiend world’s warp item, this burning badge is the Fire Eater Fiend world’s warp formation. And you see this skull staff? It’ll allow us to move into the White Bone Devil world, as for the elephant tusk, that’s the access pass for a certain Asura world...”

Lin couldn’t help but stop him: “You mean, these are the things that the Devil Kings and Fiend Kings gave you when you summoned them through your Wind Tribulation to kill the 2 million demonized people?”

“That’s right. In consideration of how I invited them to join the 2 million souls transaction, how good of a talker I was, and how well I kept my words, many of them were more than willing to make friends with me——— after which they introduced even more business partners, for example, the good guy White Bone Devil King” Gu Qing Shan replied.

Lin chuckled: “Then just choose one of them and let’s get out of the space vortex quickly——- there are increasingly more strange and unusual things within the space vortex now, most likely those trying to take refuge within the 900 million World Layers”

Looking at the things in his hand, Gu Qing Shan suddenly recalled something.

He picked out a medallion among them.

This medallion depicted a large tree with hundreds of Cards tied on its branch, letting out glittering colorful light.

“Seems like a Card-type world, how rare—– that’s right, haven’t you been looking for Cards recently?” Lin asked.

“I have. I actually almost forgot about this thing”

Looking at this medallion, Gu Qing Shan recalled the couple’s words before they bid farewell to him:


“Take this, it contains our world’s coordinates and space tunnel, if you come to my kingdom one day, you will be able to see me directly with this medallion”


Indeed, this was the medallion that Hazeden and Soft Note gave him to grant access to their world.

Gu Qing Shan put everything else back, keeping only this medallion.

He began trying to activate the power of the medallion.

“So we’re heading to a Card world? That’s fine I guess, it’s rare to see a world whose inheritance is based entirely on Cards” Lin commented with interest.

“I just hope that this world isn’t among those hidden together with the Strife Zones”

Gu Qing Shan replied.

As he infused power into the medallion, it began to shake, jumped to the air, and opened a space tunnel.

The medallion hovered in the air while giving off loud noise as if urging Gu Qing Shan to get in.

“It connected, let’s go”

[1] if you find it hard to understand why GQS is troubled by this, imagine the space vortex as the ocean and the Strife Zones as a series of small islands. Originally, the islands can be used as landmarks to help traverse through the ocean, but now they’re invisible and can’t be accessed. The area of ocean where the Strife Zones originally was is still there, but without any way to navigate accurately through them.

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