
Chapter 625 - Appearance

Chapter 625: Appearance

Translated by: La0o9

Edited by: Dr.Lock

Proofreader:? Arya

Unique… world tomb?

A thought flashed through Gu Qing Shan’s mind.

What kind of world would be considered ‘unique’?

How did they know this world tomb is unique?

If what they said could be taken at face value then the only thing confirmed for now is that their ‘God’ knew this world tomb to be unique.

Which is strange.

How did their ‘God’ directly bypass the trillions of other worlds within the 900 million World Layers to single out this Scattered world?

There could be two situations.

Firstly, their ‘God’ had already paid attention to this world beforehand and knew a certain secret.

Secondly, due to a coincidence, their ‘God’ took notice of this place.

Which one was it?

Thinking briefly, Gu Qing Shan decided to stay silent.

Within the frigidly cold world, not a single sound came out, only stifled silence.

Sure enough, even after waiting for a while and not getting any response, the leader panicked and quickly continued:

“We have investigated the disturbance that God sensed from afar, it most likely came from a Scattered world not obeying the rules of the 900 million World Layers and arbitrarily fused a world with itself”

He spoke like he was bragging: “We’ve confirmed that the disturbance had indeed occurred at the moment the two worlds merged together”

「 Well done, continue? 」Gu Qing Shan praised.

Being encouraged, the leader continued: “The strangest thing was, yes, that world was actually a Samsara world”

「 A Samsara world?? 」

“Yes sir, this was unbelievable, the Samsara world was supposed to exist in the Mystic Zones with no one being able to gain entry unless invited. But that place also had 6 worlds that formed a closed cycle of Samsara, two of them had even fused together”

「 How could there be a Samsara world within the Scattered worlds? You dare to tell such a terrible lie?? 」Gu Qing Shan coldly rebutted him.

The leader hurriedly: “Sir, it is true, I’ve seen the Asuras, Demis, Wraiths, Beast Kings, humans as well as the great Forgetting River of Huang Quan”

He then turned to the others: “Quickly confirm for me!”

The rest also hurriedly spoke: “Sir, he’s telling the truth, we also saw those creatures with our own eyes”

Gu Qing Shan went silently briefly, then hesitantly spoke: 「 Very well, I’ll take your words for it for now, continue? 」

The leader lightly breathed out and carefully explained: “Sir, the creatures of that world were all extremely weak, unable to be compared to the actual Samsara world at all! I was also very shocked and had no idea why such a world existed”

“So we had split up and carefully investigated each world one by one”

「 And the results?? 」Gu Qing Shan asked.

“We found out an incredible truth, the Origin and Laws of those worlds were all incomplete!”

「 Incomplete?? 」

“Yes sir, it’s because the worlds’ Origins were incomplete that the living beings of those 6 worlds were like heaven and earth compared to the beings of the Mystic Zones’ Samsara world”

「 Then why were those 6 worlds incomplete?? 」Gu Qing Shan asked.

“This humble one also doesn’t know, perhaps it was one of the Old Gods’ many experiments?”

Gu Qing Shan went silent.

In truth, he knew that his Samsara world here was actually only a broken fragment of the true Samsara world.

But who would be able to think of such a thing as the truth without being told?

In fact, the Mystic Zones’ Samsara world was probably also incomplete.

But it was probably so powerful and so hard for outsiders to gain entry to it that no one knew about this truth.

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Which was why no one could imagine that even the Samsara world of the Mystic Zones was also just a broken piece.

Gu Qing Shan carefully recounted everything the other party said just now.

He compiled the useful intel.

Firstly, within the 900 million World Layers, there are clear-cut rules within the 900 million World Layers about fusing worlds, and doing it arbitrarily was illegal.

Secondly, when I fused the Huang Quan realm and human realm from before, it caused some sort of disturbance that brought the attention of their ‘God’.

Thirdly, if the other races of the Samsara worlds hadn’t all shown up in the human realm, these outsiders wouldn’t have known that this place was a Samsara world. After all, this incomplete Samsara world was hidden among Scattered worlds, and the unstable nature of Scattered worlds caused the people of the 900 million World Layers to not pay any attention here.

Gu Qing Shan’s thought process slowly became clear.

He thought briefly and asked: 「 Then, have you completed the mission bestowed upon you by God and found that unique world tomb?? 」

The leader dejectedly lowered his head: “Sir, we weren’t able to”

Gu Qing Shan questioned: 「 I can tell you’re also an experienced person, why have you not found it?? 」

The leader reported: “Ever since we came to this world, the Divine Watch hadn’t been able to pick up the unique disturbance again and showed no signs of change, so we had no way to investigate where the world tomb actually was”

Divine Watch?

Gu Qing Shan sharply caught something.

「 You’ve all died and returned here, so where’s the Divine Watch? Did you lose it?? 」he asked in a stern voice.

The leader hurriedly signalled to the others as they all prostrated to the ground.

“Sir, the Divine Watch hasn’t been lost, we hid it at the North Pole of that world, within a crashed Interstellar Spaceship”

「 Interstellar Spaceship?? 」Gu Qing Shan asked.

“Yes sir, this spaceship came from a civilization within the 900 million World Layers, a Technological and God’s Chosen duo advancement civilization, we don’t know why it landed on a Scattered world”

「 Did you find anything there?? 」

“We couldn’t, creations of Technological worlds requires strict and complicated verification processes, and we didn’t bring such a talent with us during this expedition”

“So we simply killed the overseer of the spaceship, took over that place and hid the Divine Watch underneath it”

The leader smiled: “Please be assured sir, besides the four of us here, no one else knows about it”

「 Can you guarantee it?? 」

“I guarantee it”

「 Very well, you’ve protected your souls, stay here and slowly take your punishment”

The people all felt a huge weight lifted from their shoulders and hurriedly spoke: “Thank you, sir!”

Gu Qing Shan turned around, about to leave this place.

He then remembered something and said: 「 I have one last question? 」

The leader respectfully replied: “Please go ahead, sir”

「 Because you have failed, I need to travel to that world myself to continue the investigation. I want to know, what did God tell you before your leave?? 」

The leader spoke without thinking much: “God had sent a directive ordering me to be as careful as possible and make sure I won’t tell a single soul about this mission even in death. Because the disturbance God had felt from that world could have possibly been from…”

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At this point, his voice cut off.

The leader and his subordinates all went pale.

“No! Great God, I did not reveal it to any outsider”

He loudly tried to explain himself.

At the same time, his subordinates had already begun to scream in high-pitched cries of pain.

Knowing something was wrong, Gu Qing Shan descended from the clouds to check the situation.

The bodies of those people were melting like candles in the flame, slowly peeling off bit by bit.

Seeing Gu Qing Shan suddenly appear, they were all completely stunned.

They realized what had happened.

“That’s not possible! How it could have been you!? No! We’re done for!”

The leader cried out in despair.

But it was already irreversible.

Their bodies completely melted away and disappeared, leaving their bare souls within the Frozen Hell.

These souls then slowly lost their facial features and limbs, converging into a ball of eerie violet light.

All the lights gathered together.

Shortly after, a humanoid face manifested from them.

The face was half-man, half-woman, carrying a frenzied and agonized expression of pain.

Gu Qing Shan immediately realized that this was their ‘God’!

But the violet light didn’t stop after the face manifested, it also quickly formed a body.

A cold chill slowly ran down Gu Qing Shan’s spine.

With his spirit sense, he could feel a threat even more terrifying than death.

Without hesitation, Gu Qing Shan wielded the Devil King Warden Rod and activated [Soul Dispersion].

This was the Huang Quan Devil King’s ultimate weapon, capable of erasing any and every soul in hell.

Instantly, the eerie manifesting monster dispersed into smoke and disappeared.

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