
Chapter 62 - 62 - Unknown Sibling

After eating their cold dinner, all of them went to sleep. His father doted on his mother a lot that day just to console her wounded heart.

Zou Yue on the hand slept peacefully. The next morning, his mother ran in and handed him a tray of freshly scrambled egg and a glass of soy milk. "Mum, you did not have to do that.." he took it from her hands and gently kissed her cheeks.

"It\'s all for my baby Yue," she kissed him back. "I missed you so much. How can you leave for so long?.."

"I was away for my modelling gigs for years.." Zou Yue chuckled at this.

She slapped his forehead. "I missed you back them as well. It\'s all because of your father. Let\'s not give him breakfast today," she fiercely glared at the door.

"Mum! Let the old man eat," Zou Yue spooned the tasty butter scrambled egg and ate it with relish. "Hmm, so good. Don\'t deprive dad of this deliciousness,"

"Okay okay... I will let him eat," she relented softly. "Wait, a bit I have a gift for you," she ran out the room and came back with a huge shopping back.

"What is it?" he placed the tray on the bedside table and picked the bag up. It was quite heavy. "What\'s in it?"

"open it," she excitedly looked at him.

Inside of the bag looked to contain some clothes so Zou Yue carelessly dumped it on the bed. The whole bed was filled with colourful clothes.

He picked one red shirt up.. in fact, it was a blouse. The sleeve was long and fluffy and the neckline was quite low.

"umm mum,"

"Do you like it?" she smiled at him widely. "I noticed that you only had one pair of clothes so I got you more,"

She went to his closet and took out at first pair of women\'s clothing he bought. His mother had neatly folded it and placed it in a box. "You should not be shy regarding this. If the clothes I bought did not match your \'aesthetics\' we can go shopping together~~"

She looked so excitedly talking about this.

Zou Yue could not tell her the truth. He just went along, looking at his mother\'s dazzling smile. "Mum.....are you happy that I wear clothes like these?"

"Of course~" she sat next to him and gently hugged him close.

Suddenly he felt wet patched on his shoulders. "Mum! Are you crying! Why?"

"It\'s... nothing," she smilingly wiped her eyes clean. Her lips were trembling. She silently glanced at her lap and sobbed loudly.

"Do you like it so much," Zou Yue held up the red frilly shirt to his body.

"I love it." she giggled softly. "Yue... you don\'t know this but.... I... I gave birth to a baby girl before you,"

Zou Yue froze. This was a story he had never heard before. He pushed all the clothes out of the way and got as physically close to her as possible. "Really?"

"yeah... she was born before I married your dad. I—was just thirteen. I did not know what to do. Your grandfather was embarrassed by me," she sobbed loudly. Even her shoulders started to tremble violently.

He picked up the tissue box from his drawer and hander her one. He then gently hugged her close. "Where is she?"

"My father... he gave her up for adoption without my permission. I was devastated. She is my baby..... But I did not even have the chance to hold her before she was stolen from me,"

She sat up and sniffed loudly into the tissue. "I left the house when I reached eighteen. I went searching for her but by then she was already adopted by a family abroad. I lost contact after that."

"How old would she be?" he smilingly whispered.

"She must be twenty-five. Her name is Tian Ai. That\'s the name the orphanage had given her. I did not even get to give her a name!!!!" she started to sob even more.

"Don\'t worry, mum I will find her for you," Zou Yue engraved this name in his heart.

This person was his sibling.

A sibling he never knew existed....until now.

If it was a normal situation, he would have approached her slowly and got to know her. But... apocalypse was approaching. If this person was his sister, he wanted her to be safe and sound.

"Will you?" she gave him the cutest puppy dog eyes he had ever seen.

"I will. I promise. But what about dad? Does he know?"

"yes.... he asked your uncle Wen to find information about her but.... they could not find her. She must have changed her name to English or maybe.... maybe she is no more." his mother genuinely looked heart broken about this. She hugged him tightly.

Her finger gently glided over the girly tops littered on the bed. "I would have loved to go shopping with her. Paint nails... do our makeup together...."

"You can do it with me. What\'s stopping you?" he kissed her head softly.

"I can?" she looked up at him.

"Yeah, you know what. Let\'s do our nails together."

His mother gave him the most dazzling smile. "Okay... I\'ll bring the nail polish," she left the room happily.

Zou Yue tightly clenched his fists. "I only have a month, I have to find her soon....."

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