
Chapter 871 Magic Practice And Theory (5) - Item Test

In short, soar wrapped Eldrian in a net of ether, which was connected to the wings. The wings then produced lift, and through the net Eldrian was lifted into the air. When Eldrian equipped the cloak, the net disappeared, and it felt more like the wings connected to his back.

There were naturally limitations in this method of flight, but it was far, far simpler than the flight magic Eldrian had been attempting to learn. The trick, however, was finding a way to connect the wings to his person. Since his own ether control couldn\'t manage his weight.

If he could, Eldrian would simply move himself about with ether as he did daggers and other items.

Something was special in this net and the connection that the cloak made. Sadly, Eldrian couldn\'t figure out their trick in just a few hours of test flights and analyzing of visible magical patterns. Even with mana sense showing him more than the average inspection skills.

After figuring things out—as much as possible—and getting comfortable with the ability, Eldrian next tested the other ability of the cloak. As one would expect from a failed set item, it didn\'t measure up to standard Tier 5 items.

Honestly, Eldrian had way overpaid for the circlet and cloak. However, he considered them worth the thousand golds he had spent. The ring to hide his identity was just a bonus—his hidden class already hid his information from most others.

The ring worked perfectly as cover so people couldn\'t reach said conclusion that he possessed a hidden class. Since it also stopped others from observing his mana flow, as well as the mana gathering when he cast spells. In the last aspect, it was truly useful when facing other mages.

The ring was perhaps the best buy—ability wise. It was called the Ring of Afantos and could prevent even Tier 7 elites from spying on Eldrian. Though, at the cost of 500MP per observation preventions. For Tier 6 it cost 50MP, and 10MP for Tier 5.

The cost was only applicable if they could Observe Eldrian\'s stats and mana flow. Thus, needing to break through his passive observation cloak. If it always drained Eldrian\'s mana, it would have been more a pain that anything else.

Back to the cloak, well it had an ability called  cloak. Which more or less worked as one would expect something with a cloaking field. It didn\'t stop light from interacting with Eldrian, which would make him invisible. Instead, it disturbed the surrounding air to create a haze of sorts.

It was more like the heat waves one would see above a road on a hot summer day than anything else. At night, it would make seeing someone almost impossible. But during the day, it was more or less useless.

However, as it disturbed the air around Eldrian when activated. It could—to a small effect—be used to disrupt spells. Most of all, it would trick the eye of whoever was looking at Eldrian. The haze would make it difficult to pinpoint his true location, as well as that of his spells and weapons.

Eldrian tested it on a few of the wandering undead. While they never were a threat to him thanks to his overwhelming speed compared to their slow trots—now they couldn\'t even react properly.

Sure, sometimes they reacted to correctly. But a simple experiment found seven out of ten of his attacks. Super slow attacks meant for the undead to be able to dodge—landing.

Eldrian even tested mixing it with his rings ability to hide the mana formation of spells. But, well, undead were poor tests for this. Especially the lower undead wandering about past the border wall.

With his equipment abilities tested, Eldrian returned to his usual training ground. He still had a few hours to kill before meeting Levana.

He spent those few hours attempting to grasp onto the feeling he had gotten while guiding Brazen. Sadly, like with trying to figure out the trick of  soar Eldrian wasn\'t able to make progress in a few simple hours.

\'This is really quite fast,\' Eldrian noted as he soared through the air.

He was using his Mov Crystal for a boost of mana, since his training had consumed a substantial supply of the mana stored in his soul. Sadly, if he wanted to increase the mana stores in his soul, he had to actively let his mana flow in. Otherwise, it would take days to recover.

Currently soaring over Kyno lake, the lake near Fort Phoenix that housed a flaming soul. Eldrian was riding the wind currents, he was moving quite fast. However, he still ended up nearly dying from a bolt of fire blazed through the air like a laze. Evaporating all the clouds it passed through.

Escaping out of the area as quick as. Eldrian confirmed he really shouldn\'t be messing with the flaming soul.

He had given into temptation. He was curious what the flaming soul was, but it being able to target him with near pinpoint accuracy when the lake was but a dot below...

\'Yeah, and that fire...\' If Eldrian had to classify it. But he would put it on the level of the flames of wrath.

How the water in the lake, and the forest surrounding it, hadn\'t evaporated and turned to ash, he couldn\'t say. The flaming soul clearly had better control than him.

"Have you been avoiding me!" A blond-haired beauty with the power of charms leaking out of her shouted as soon as Eldrian landed.

"Hey Jade. Though you learned some control." Eldrian commented, having expected her since he saw her on his map. Though he didn\'t get what she was angry about. Nor greet him outside the fort while attempting to charm him.

Realizing that Eldrian didn\'t even recall his promise, Jade puffed her cheeks and pushed more of her aura out. Sadly for her, while Eldrian hadn\'t gained control of his auras, his mental resistance had grown immensely.

Not to mention, his new circlet and ring both provided an extra support against mental attacks. Eldrian hadn\'t bonded with any of his new items, but they still increase his mental defenses.

"You\'re lucky you did that outside." Levana, a nubile girl with raven black hair, commented from the walls. She was busy feeding Little Phoenix some crystals like normal. Acting entirely like she was enjoying a drama.

It seems the familiar had grown since Eldrian last saw it. Though, then again, its size was totally controllable.  \'Right, it might make for an excellent ally in the undead lands.\'

Eldrian had always just left it at the fort named after it, and where it had been born. But it had the power of a Tier 7 spell and was created through Eldrian mixing spirit magic into it.

While it couldn\'t measure up to an actual Tier 7 combatant, it might be capable of hurting someone at Tier 6. Perhaps even kill Tier 5s with ease. And if it went all out in an attack that would consume it in the process, Eldrian felt even a Tier 7 would need to focus on defense if they didn\'t want to die.

\'Not that I really want to let it die. But...\' It dying versus a person dying, Eldrian would much rather it be the former.

That was simply what the ability to communicate meant. Little Phoenix not being able to say words made it much lower to Eldrian on his list of life importance.

It was simple. It was like asking if you would let your dog die to save someone\'s life. Sure, some people might not be willing to make that sacrifice. But Eldrian wasn\'t really close with Little P.

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