
Chapter 353: Mageia Avyssos revisited

Chapter 353: Mageia Avyssos revisited

"I see." Pelaros sighed and moved on, "Can you give me the crystals you still have?\'

"Sure," Eldrian quickly took out all the remaining crystals, making everyone in the tent far more relieved. While they had organized to get more, Mov Crystals were generally not easy to get. They had gotten 2 thus far and reinforced the main camp, all the smaller camps however were without protection.

"Is there anything else?" Eldrian asked after handing over the last crystal.

"No, if you want you can go into the corrupted area, we have ensured that the perimeter surrounding the camp is safe. Just don\'t go too far, we are only able to monitor a few hundred meters in."

Nodding Eldrian could tell it was time to go, turning around he thanked Deine and then started walking around a bit. The camp was bustling with activity, people coming and going on a regular basis as they came back from a fight or went to reinforce a certain location.

After getting his bearings on the place, Eldrian found himself a nice spot to meditate at. Curious if he could replicate what he had done in his desperate struggle.

After just a few seconds Eldrian entered the magic abyss. Unlike all the times before he knew immediately the direction. Finding the floating heart just a few seconds later.

Upon his arrival Eldrian everything appeared normal. At least as far as Eldrian could tell. The ice and fire auroras were circulating around the heart, calmly beating in the middle of nowhere. Upon nearing it he immediately felt connected to the two auras.

This connection however simply allowed him to slightly tap into the emotional states of each aura. Focusing on the fire brought him anger and energy, while focusing on the ice calmed his mind.

He could not focus on both, finding that if he tried the two would cancel each other out. \'Now, how do I tap into them while outside of the soul?\'

"Through calling on the emotions you feel now," A female voice replied, Eldrian dropping his train of thought immediately.

"Thanks... For last time."

"Of course, it is my function to protect you players."

"What you did was not just that."

"Maybe... Maybe not. Have you thought of what I said?"

"I have. But how sure are you that it is possible?"

"Uncertain. However, you being able to hold out against the curse of a revenant for three days was also not in my expectations."

"You knew from the start?"

"Yes, but I could not enter earlier. When both you and the curse were fighting intensely my entrance would have caused too much of an imbalance. Possibly leading to more damage than good."

"I understand, still... Thanks for coming at the end."

Eldrian could somehow sense that the system nodded, "Are you ready?" She asked.

"Before we attempt this, what about we give you a name?"

"A name?"

"Yes, calling you by your function is not something I wish to do. And I have the perfect name."

"Oh, and what would that be?"


"Why this name?"

"Because..." Eldrian paused, "It fits you, and..." Hesitating, Eldrian thought of that one memory that he had relived through so clearly. He decided to keep those thoughts to himself for the time being, the system noticing this but not prying deeper.

"Alright, then from now on I will take on the name of Ziraili."

With those words a light suddenly bloomed in the distance and a ball of light appeared before Eldrian after a few seconds of flying.

"It worked?" Eldrian asked as he observed the wisp before him, a soft white ball of light.

"This is strange, how can you stand being so confined?"

Shrugging Eldrian replied that it was all that he knew. Giving the system, Ziraili, some time to get used to her new form. After doing a few laps around Eldrian\'s concentration of thoughts she asked, "Are you ready?"

Eldrian mentally nodded before saying yes, finding his vision suddenly distorting in an experience similar to when the heart pulled him into the abyss. After a few disorientating seconds Eldrain too was a wisp, one of blue and red weaving and mixing together.

"Oh, I understand what you mean." Eldrian shivered as he suddenly felt extremely limited in the abyss. When he was just a thought movement was simple, he just had to will to be there. Now suddenly he had to will his wisp form to move. The concept was similar, but the execution far different.

"Right, this is quite the strange feeling." The system bobbed up and down in a nodding motion. "Let\'s get used to this first."

"Alright, Ziraili," Eldrian replied, trying to put the name into use so it would actually stick.

After just a minute or two the system became completely used to her wisp form, for Eldrian it took hours. During that time he talked with her, making sure to repeat her name and also to ask a few questions that had been bothering him.

He did not dive deeply into any topic related to the game directly or magic, instead, he asked about his physical condition IRL.

"Do you have any idea why everything felt so slow?" He asked after sharing his experience.

"Because it is slow. How do you think this conversation with you feels to me?"

"I don\'t know?"

"Well... It feels strange, communicating with words is something I am not used to. However, while talking with you I am also still maintaining the connection of all the other players."

"So I am just getting a shred of your attention?"

Giggling the wisp danced around ELdrian in fluid movements, much like he could play with Floga. Giving Eldrian an idea which he quickly attempted, finding that his control over his movements came much better as he chased after Ziraili\'s wisp.

"Impressive, but you won\'t be able to maintain that for long."

She had hit the nail on the head, just a minute in Eldrian had to stop as he felt massively mentally drained. The two were now far from where his heart was located, Eldrian still feeling the connection and even knowing how far it was.

"Do you understand now?"

"A little bit, yes." Eldrian\'s wisp form dissipated as he could no longer stand the drain it placed on him. He had not realized that it had any pressure until after he drained himself of energy.

"But how is it possible that something that was always normal is now slow?"

"It was never normal. It just appeared that way since your perception of time was at the same rate as that of things around you."

"Perception of time?"

"It is too difficult a topic to explain quickly. Consider for simplicity that your thoughts simply sped up, hence everything felt slower even though it was still the same."

"How is that possible, and more importantly... Is it dangerous?"

"How it is possible I am unsure. On Gaia it is possible due to the effects that mana has on living beings. On earth it should not be possible, however, the degree you explained is in fact possible. Generally, it would require active focus to achieve. As such it should not be dangerous, as long as you make sure you eat enough to sustain the energy drain."

After a few seconds she asked,? "Have you tried meditating since then?"

Shaking his head no Eldrian asked what that would do.

"Try it, it might allow your mind to reaffirm the speed it needs to work at. If it works you will need to meditate each time after entering and exiting the simulation. How long would be required I do not know, but if you succeed the problem should be resolved."

Nodding Eldrian thanked her and then asked, "What is this place?"

"The Mageia Avyssos."

"This entire place? What about back there where my soul is?"

"It is also part of the Mageia Avyssos."

Mentally nodding Eldrian felt that that made sense. It had to be the same place, else how could he enter his soul from it. "Wait, then what is the Mageia Avyssos. I thought it was a place to modify spells."

"That is also a troublesome topic. You can consider it as the source of magic, it is not just for modifying spells."

"Source of magic?"

"Not literally. Mageia Avyssos is Skepsi\'s realm, the goddess of magic and knowledge. No, that is also not correct. What are the words..." Pausing the system, Ziraili\'s, searched through all the terms and words in the English lexicon.

"The best word might be domain, or sphere of influence." Clueless Eldrian asked what that was supposed to mean.

"It is one of the ethereal realms made to influence the world called Gaia. This one in particular acts as a bridge between the soul of a being and mana, allowing them to interact with it. It acts as a funnel, allowing one to attempt magic without being an expert at it."

"What does that mean? I still don\'t get what this place is, and why my soul is here."

"The latter is far simpler, your soul is here since I used the Mageia Avyssos as a bridge to connect your consciousness and avatar\'s soul. By letting the soul stay here I can protect it from most dangers that would normally harm it, and I can also heal it."

"As you know this isn\'t full proof, but it works perfectly for the more general case of you just dying. Instead of your soul moving on, it returns here and I can then send it to a temple for you to resurrect."

"As for what this all means, it means that the Mageia Avyssos is a crutch that all the natives use to cast magic. All but those called legends."

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