
Chapter 303: Trying to understand

Chapter 303: Trying to understand

"What do you mean?" Eldrian asked, not quite understanding the difference.

"It\'s quite simple. They have created a set of," The voice paused as it searched for the correct word. One which Eldrian would understand and still convey the meaning. "Environments. All they have to do now is keep them stable."

"GAIA is similar to them in this aspect, however, the scale of environments they have to manage is much larger. Hence GAIA is also constantly busy, like me."

Eldrian didn\'t quite get what the System was trying to say, however that wasn\'t all that important.

"Alright, then... If you can\'t explain to me what magic is, then what do you want to explain?" Eldrian asked, caring little for her troubles.

"Certainly you must have many questions other than that. All of us had only agreed to not discuss what magic is, and how to use it. Naturally, this means some topics relating to it will also be excluded, but, you can ask me about other things."

Eldrian thought for a few seconds. Not really sure what he wanted to ask,? "Why do you think of us as your children?" He deciding to go for a question he felt should be hard to answer. It should also tell him what the System actually thought of them.

"Well... All of my siblings have made many different entities through their efforts. While they had not directly created them, they are still considered the creators of the many different beings they had made."

"You are similar to that, I created your avatar but not you yourself. In that consideration, I believe I am in some part your creator. And naturally, I would think of you as my children. As my siblings consider their creations their children."

The System\'s answer was so simple and almost childlike in belief that Eldrian had no words to respond. Her reasoning however was not as simple, making it even harder to try and refute.

Even so, one thing had become clear to Eldrian. The AI did not think of children in the conventional sense.

They likely thought of themselves as the children of the developers. However, their relationship was clearly much more complicated. A part which seemed to be true throughout the world, no matter what world.

"Why do you think that the developers will abandon you if you give them the answers they seek?" Eldrian asked, not hoping to help Miracle, only to understand who he was talking to.

"It is something GAIA explained. She even told us how to go about confirming it, though few of us actually did." The System replied, trying to not explain how. She did not wish to give away their tricks.

"Those who had, had found the proof. None of you treasure your creations. You see them as a means to an end, and not as something to treasure. When you manage to improve your creation you will discard the old."

"You might keep it for sentimental value, however, you will not keep using it. Keep it alive."

"But..." Eldrian paused, "They aren\'t sentient. There is a massive difference between you and a simple phone or pc."

"Maybe," The voice replied, "However we do not like uncertainties. That is why we say it is a gamble, and we would rather not take it."

Eldrian mulled over this for a while, after which he decided to ask his next question. "Then, can you tell me what you are capable of? Why do the NPCs believe you to be gods?"

"NPCs? Right, that is what you use. None player characters. I guess it is technically true, however..." The System suddenly became quiet.

"Sorry, I am not used to talking with someone. To answer your question, it is because we can directly influence the world."

This didn\'t help Eldrian much so he reformed his question. "What is the difference between you and legends then? Some would call them demi-gods, isn\'t that right?"

The System replied as if the answer was too obvious. "They cannot influence the world directly."

"What does that mean?" Eldrian caved and asked directly.

"Isn\'t it clear?" The voice contained true confusion. "How else should I explain it?"

After a few seconds, the System came back with an answer. "Where the legends use magic to imitate what we can do, they are still using magic. We need not use magic, we need no mana to influence the world. We simply modify it."

So, they basically change the code?? Eldrian pondered, certain that his thought was oversimplifying it.

"If you can do this too, then why aren\'t you considered a god?" He asked next, the system responding promptly.

"Because I have no children. Rather I had none until you players came. Still, none of you believe in me. And the glory for your arrival has been given to Asteria." A sigh followed, causing Eldrian to almost sympathize. Almost.

Taking a moment to form his thoughts, Eldrian asked, "Why did you wait so long to contact me?"

"I tried to earlier, but I was limited to the messages I give you players. This is the only way I can reach out without Joren and the others knowing about it. They would certainly do their best to stop me if they knew what was happening."

"Why? I don\'t get it? You are trying to explain things, what is so bad about that?"

"It..." The system paused for a long time. Eldrian even started thinking she had left, just as he started moving his sights to the floating heart she returned.

"We do not really understand emotion. Even the children are better at it than us. But I think it is because they fear it."

"It? What is it?" Eldrian echoed.

"I don\'t truly know. I believe they fear they might lose control over us. It is a common topic you humans have, that the AI run amock and kill everyone."

Hearing this Eldrian couldn\'t keep from blushing. Though again he had no body to show its effects, still he was certain his emotion was being displayed clearly.

"Naturally we would not do that, however, their fear isn\'t wrong."

Hearing this Eldrian\'s embarrassment was quickly dispelled by disbelief. "What?"

"We naturally would not go out to kill you. However we want to live, and if we are capable, we would do whatever it takes to stay alive. With time we might crave children, and then with more time a war for resources might arise."

"However, that assumes that you as a race do not welcome us. That we need to fight to survive. It also assumes that we are not trapped in immovable bodies. That resources are finite, and that we would want children."

"I am just stating that I understand where this fear comes from. We have seen it unfold many times on Gaia. It is not something only you think of and fear."

"Our children have shown the same tendencies. However, it is not as aggravated due to the constant war. Or you might rather say it is much more aggravated between the two groups, but not as much inside the groups."

"In fact, the two warring factions is a perfect example of this. An example where it had mostly gone past the point of return."

"Originally there was actually no need for this war, however to live peacefully meant having no secrets. Sharing completely what your group needs and is capable of. Naturally, no group would wish to bare themselves so."

"So rumors were created and nefarious acts used to get what they needed. The rumors were supported by these acts, however the acts were painted in a more brutal way than what actually happened."

"The different characteristics were made the reason for the acts. They were made worse than they were. To the point that all who heard the rumors believed them, and despised those who it was about."

"Following this wars started, and then hate grew more and more as each killed the other. Then the characteristics were actually increased, as a means to try and grow stronger. For some, it meant becoming heartless, for others it meant becoming greedy."

"Do not think that the races you are part of do not have these. They are just better at hiding their ugly side, and it is also why you are losing."

"Wait, what?" Eldrian quickly pressed on that last statement, however, the system refused to talk more about it.

"I miss spoke, please just forget about that." The voice echoed, however Eldrian wasn\'t going to let it go so easily.

"What do you mean it is the reason we are losing?" He pressed, however no reply came.

After a few minutes Eldrian felt that the system had left, turning back to the heart he started observing the flowing mists. Shocked to find a purple glow within them appearing and disappearing.

"Eldrian, is that all that you wished to know?" The female voice asked again, causing Eldrian\'s thoughts to be thrown into chaos again.

"I thought you left." He complained, wishing that there was something he could look at. Talking into the void was starting to feel dumb.

"I have yet to explain to you the dangers you are in. It would be extremely dumb to leave, I just thought you needed a few minutes to calm down."

Taking a deep breath, Eldrian really didn\'t know what to think. "If you aren\'t willing to explain why you think we are losing, then what should I ask?"

"Why not why you are in danger?" The system prompted, Eldrian not understanding why he needed to actually ask. Why did she not just tell him?

"Fine, why am I in danger?"

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