
Chapter 144: Can we improve? (3)

Chapter 144: Can we improve? (3)

Looking at the level he had gained Eldrian struggled with directly placing his free attributes again in agility. He still felt this would be a good move until he reached 200 points in it, but at the same time, he no longer felt he needed to be faster.

He was already much faster than the goblins and did not require the small bonus of 5 agility. As such he instead looked at his constitution, something which would always be nice to have more of. Increasing both his stamina and health.

Eldrian ended up not using his free attributes, feeling that the bonus would be really small even if he did. He would rather wait again until he felt a need for a boost. Or when he figured out how weapon\'s attribute requirements were determined. Or at least the pattern for this.

The entire group continued to do as they had been doing. While Eldrian and Sabrea were resting to recover their stamina, Terlas would go down to recover his arrows, sometimes taking Floyd or Margit with him. But mostly going alone, which would lead to him complaining that he was above picking up his own arrows.

No one in the group gave his comment a second thought, Eldrian even going so far as to threaten him. Mentioning that Zamia might become angry if he did not work as hard as everyone else.

This worked wonderedfully, causing Terlas to have flashbacks of the Pegasus almost ending his life with one kick. He would quickly become quiet after this, clearly not wanting to provoke the Alicorns.

After half an hour of rest, Eldrian and Sabrea would go out and kite the goblins again. By sunset, their kills easily numbered over a few thousand. Eldrian himself being close to his next level. Level 9, needing only 8000 more XP.

He was simply ecstatic at the speed he was leveling, but this brought conflicting emotions forwards. Worried that taking so long would cause them to enter the caves too late. Vivian not able to last until they actually managed to come to save her.

This worry came from the fact that it was not possible to see the decrease when looking at the horde of goblins. Sure they were less, but not enough to be clearly seen by the eye. The most visible thing telling everyone that they were indeed making progress was that a few caves were no longer crowded by goblins.

This sight relieved everyone as it informed them that the goblins were not infinite. That they could do this for a few more days and clear most if not all the goblins crowding at the outsides.

Sun setting, everyone climbered down from the platform and followed Cephapyhr who led them to a nearby stream. No one was of a mind to try and kite the goblins in the dark, not when there might be some other dangers too.

There were also all the dead goblins to consider, running when not being able to see them would surely result in one tripping. Ending up at the mercy of the goblins.

At the stream, everyone finally relaxed as Eldrian took some of the Alpha meat from his inventory. With a pleasant aroma in the air, they talked about how insane today was. Most everyone astounded by the number of goblins they had killed as such a small party.

They all also shared more of what they were capable of, with Terlas often trying to brag about how good a shot he was. This sharing did not really lead to anything, other than informing everyone of what the others were capable of. And of what they had lived through before and how this was not nearly as bleak as some of their situations before.

Once they finished eating most directly wanted to rest, the day certainly has been very taxing. Eldrian did not, he instead followed the stream for a while. Where he decided to bathe and wash his clothes and armor. Having a few extra clothe sets inside of his inventory.

Climbing into the stream, Eldrian found that it was a pleasant temperature. Glad that he decided to properly clean himself Eldrian enjoyed the refreshing feeling as the water flowed past him.

This is just different... Nidia does not feel nearly as good. Eldrian thought, his eyes snapping open as he heard a twig snap.

"Whose there?" He shouted out, wanting to rush for his clothes. But he did not, feeling that it was safer to just bank on fighting nude.

"Sorry!" Sabrea\'s voice echoed out as Eldrian heard her rushing away from him.

Did she have the same idea?Eldrian wondered, grinning stupidly as he thought about what he might have seen if he had been a few minutes later. For once he did not stop himself, instead, he indulged as a reward for the long day.

After some time Eldrian finally finished enjoying the water. Climbing out he started climbing into fresh clothing. A little irritated that he did not have a towel as he felt his clothes sticking to him.

\'I must commend your plan. You might even be able to clear the caves far sooner than I had thought possible.\' Zamia commented, causing Eldrian to almost fall over.

Rushing to put his pant on he mentally shouted, \'Can\'t you wait until I am dressed?\'

\'Why? It does not matter to me. We aren\'t compatible races.\' She replied, clearly teasing Eldrian.

This worked as he could feel his face heating up from her answer. Her reply certainly not something he had ever even thought of. And now he had some absurd images in his head.

Seeing him smoldering in anger and embarrassment half-dressed, Zamia laughed. Causing a strange noise Eldrian did not know horses could make to enter his ears.

\'I just came to say something. Do calm down.\' She said after having enjoyed herself enough for one day.

Eldrian calmed down, but this only went for his anger. His embarrassment instead grew even more.

\'You should let Cephaphyr do more, you might think he is a weak little Alicorn. And while that is true, it still means he is far stronger than you.\'

\'What do you mean?\' Eldrian asked, hoping for more advice. Instead, he got some more random advice.

\'Having him make arrows and even a spear was smart. It is certainly a great idea if you were stronger, but you are too weak to properly use them.\'

After saying this she spread her wings and quickly disappeared past the tree canopies. Leaving an embarrassed Eldrian air drying next to the stream. His pants clearly put on in a rush as it clung to him uncomfortably.


\'Why do you continue helping the Elf?\' Agamemas asked as soon as his wife returned.

\'Because everyone needs help at some time in their life. Even me and you used to be like that.\' Zamia replied as she looked at Agamemas\'s horn which was broken in half. Something which certainly did not bode well for an Alicorn. And even less so for the one, it broke off in.

Agamemas snorted at Zamia\'s reply, \'Do you really think it is a good idea to pair Cephaphyr with... This elf?\'

\'Who else, everyone in the family already has a partner. They would not want to pair with him even if they did not. You know how everyone feels he is a bringer of bad luck.\' Zamia paused, saddened as she said the next part. \'This will be for the best.\'

She did not like the thought of sending her only son out like this. But it was indeed the best thing they could do to protect him. Especially knowing that this invasion would not stop.

\'Is that why you also gave him that insane task. To keep him here until he reaches Tier 3?\'

Zamia did not reply, she simply looked at the stars. Wondering what was up there. Even at her current level she still could not reach them. After flying up for a few hours she would become too tired and unable to breathe. Forcing her to return down. Her magic could only allow her to stay a little longer.


After finally coming over his embarrassment Eldrian returned to their little camp. Where he took a comfortable position against a tree as he started meditating. Only subtly opening his eyes as he heard Sabrea returning.

She had clearly also run into the problem of not having a towel. Even more so she only had one pair of clothing and cleaning them had caused her to return completely wet.

She sat close to the half dying fire, trying to warm herself.

Eldrian enjoyed the sight for a while before going back to his meditation. Sad that he did not have anything like a blanket to offer her. He added this to his list of things to always keep in his inventory.

As 8 PM came around in the game Eldrian logged out. Standing up he felt lethargic, something he had not felt in quite a while.

Doing a few stretches he quickly got rid of this as he felt like running to class today.

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