
Chapter 465 The Undying Maid

Cain smiled glaring down at the shocked Bela, “The decision is yours, want her out or not?”

Bela couldn’t believe her ears, what was this man saying? People who died are gone forever, they can’t be revived. Let alone those who were sent to hell, that boiling pot never let the sinners out.

“You must be kidding, that’s impossible.” She gasped.

“I got Alice to stay, made you stay, and I even raised an untold amount of undead. Pulling another one won’t be that hard, as long we find her in the first layer.”

The process was simple, after locating her in hell, all he need to do is create a link to be able to summon her like he does the devils. The important part was pinpointing her.

But there was a problem, in hell, she will be a mere soul if she didn’t turn into a worm. She could not exist in the mortal world with such a form for a long time. She needs to transform into a lich, a ghost, or a wraith. The lich was the strongest so Cain need to prepare a corpse for her to possess.

“That’s…high necromancy, everything you said won’t be possible without such forbidden knowledge. The gods might smite you, they could even send their paladins after you.” Bela said with a worried face.

“You don’t have to worry, I never keep forbidden knowledge in my system. They have no way to know what magic I’m using. I never add the spell I used to raise Alice after all.”

Cain never left extremely powerful spells on his list. [Create Undead] is a necromancy spell, but it wasn’t that powerful or even capable of creating countless permanently staying undead. It was neither capable of creating lichs which usually require a large ritual.

“What are you exactly? You call yourself an enchanter, what type of magic do you specialize in?” Mei asked, just being an enchanter and using enchanting magic didn’t make that sense with Cain’s wide range of magic and capabilities.

“Enchanting has two meanings, the ability to give magical powers to a thing, and the ability to influence the mentality of someone. Necromancy is just giving magical powers to a corpse, and mind control is influencing the minds of people. They are both enchanting magic.”

“But that doesn’t explain…”

“Fireball is giving the air magical heat so it can burst into flames. That’s enchanting. Telekinesis is just giving the air invisible force to move things, that’s enchanting.” Cain lifted his hand and a wave of mana started forming from it.

The majority of the world’s magic was just mages giving magical properties to things, making them do things they won’t do otherwise.

It was then that Bela started to understand who the white mage Cain is. While she was trying to understand how mana behaves and creates magic based on that, Cain was telling mana to create things based on his need.

“I agree, not like I have a better option.” Bela smiled, staying close to Cain was the solution. It didn’t matter what he was, he had knowledge and power that all seekers of magic want.

After that, Cain helped Amaya spread her undead across the whole city and the surrounding land using the Furberg gate (The one he linked with Ourals for merchants to use, it was outside the wall)

Cain looked out the window and to the moon, it was almost dinner time. “Let’s go down, I’m getting hungry.” He walked.

Creek! As the door closed, Amaya looked toward where Mei was lying. “Need to clean that.” She walked out and brought a towel, a bucket, and some other equipment, and started cleaning.

Then, she felt it.

Outside the wall, on a farm. A woman left the house to bring water from the well.

The woman walked slowly with a candle in one hand and a bucket in the other. The faint light wasn’t able to allow her to see far away and she had to step carefully. Some snakes liked to hunt at this time and it will be bad if she stepped on one.

When she reached the well, she placed the candle to the side and opened the wooden lid.

She took her bucket and tied it to the rope, people usually keep another one always tied but to her, that was an unnecessary cost.

As she was working, a man approached her silently from the back with a large piece of clothing in his hand. His friends behind the trees were waiting patiently, he has to make sure she doesn’t scream and alert everyone.

As the man approached her, a rotten hand grabbed him from the back closing his mouth. Zombies silently sprouted from the ground biting his legs and dragging him down. In the blink of an eye, he was sucked to the ground by the undead without letting a whimper.

His friends behind the bush looked terrified, their friend disappeared in the dark as if it was nothing. They could even see what happened to him. And in the next instant, they got devoured as well.

The woman looked behind as she felt something but the light of her candle barely helped. “Probably, a snake.” She looked toward the bushes. “Better get this done quickly.”

Deep in the forest, a kid was running alone. The little runt had a fight with his parents and took off to the forest. But soon, the wolves howling and the intimidating darkness scared every bone in his body.

The kid found a hollow tree and sat inside, he couldn’t remember where he came from and was too scared to keep moving.

“Kid, home…” A smelly man approached him with a shaking voice, extending his hand to the kid.

The kid looked at him terrified, he can’t see the man’s face in the darkness but this couldn’t have turned worse.

“Hooome, hurry.” The man growled.

As the kid was terrified, he had no option but to do what he was told and take the man’s hand.

For a while, he noticed that the wolves have stopped howling, and the wind was blowing violently. And after a while, he could see the light of his home.

“Uncle could you…” As the kid turned around, the man had already disappeared.

<Exp: +845>

<Level: 1><Exp: 145/300> => <Level: 2><Exp: 690/900>

‘What is this weird feeling? As if my body is engulfed in warm water. Better ask master about it.’ Amaya felt her first level up and she was confused, in her mind, this could have been a malfunction of her dead body.

But sadly before she could go to him, he had just finished dinner and was in his room with everyone. The ladies looked worried when he called everyone in.

Cain straight up asked for, Sofia, Selena, Alice, Gracie, Zaleria, Marina, Mary, Hati/Skoll, Nemmoxon, Isbert, Farryn, Mei, and even Ellie who hated men. What scared Amaya more, is that when Cain told Ellie to head to his room and she refused, he dragged her in any way.

“Amaya, Master wants you in his room as well.” Klara approached her.

“Ah, me?” Amaya gasped she didn’t expect to be called.

“Yeah, he looked angry. Whatever he says, just accept it and apologize. Even the ladies got dragged in so it must be important.” Klara sighed.

“I have never seen him angry, did something happen at dinner?” Amaya asked.

“I don’t know, I thought everything was fine as well. Wish I was called in as well.” Klara looked sad for some reason.

Amaya giggles staring at her with a disappointed look, “Yeah, I will blame you for sure. You always had that weird dream of yours.”

“Sadly it didn’t come true, I was so disappointed when Master was too gentle. He didn’t get angry even when I accepted that job from Lady Lisa, wonder what got him off this time.”

“I need to go, don’t want to keep him waiting.” Amaya gave the bucket she was holding to Klara as she left.

…When she entered Cain’s room, she saw him sitting on the bed with all the girls lined up in front of him. They all looked stern and worried except Zaleria and Gracie who had passive faces.

“Amaya, you came. Sit beside Ellie and we will start.” Cain said with a smile that looked intimidating.

“As I was saying…” Cain cleared his throat, “Since there is still a month for the tournament in the capital, and since we all lack the strength to contend in the elvish continent.”

“I’m from that continent, what are you talking about?” Farryn glared at him. “You can’t beat a great wyrm alone, that’s the level we need to be at. Also, why did Sylph send you?”

“She sends me to help you reach her safely and to be your slave,” Farryn replied.

“And what do you want?” Cain asked her.

“To do my mission.”

“Then sit down and listen, otherwise we will end up all dead,” Cain said with a smile that somehow scared Farryn. He was right, she failed her mission already when he got beheaded by the great wyrm.

“Now that we’re all on the same page, we need to grind some levels. And there is no better place to do it than…” Cain lifted his hand.

“The first layer of hell, Avernus!”

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