
Chapter 433 The secret plan

Cain looked at Isbert’s stats. They were weird.


<Name: Isbert Silver Ruris ><Race: Human><Level: 17/20><Exp: 56600/265000>

<HP: 374><MP: 421/510><SP: 306>

<Strength: 14><Dexterity: 12><Constitution: 16>

<Intelligence: 20><Wisdom: 20><Charisma: 18>

<Innate Magic>

[Inner Cooling] The cold magic generated cools the user’s body allowing for faster SP regeneration.

[Cryogenic shard] The condensation of the cold slayer’s power. Most abilities are locked, now only enchanting the user’s Cold magic.

[Slayer’s mind] The shard has carried the slayer’s relentless killing instincts, the user finds themselves always itching for a fight.

[Efficient body] The shard reduces the user’s need for sustenance allowing him to eat twice less than before.

[Absolute Peace]: Blood inherited from an ancient ancestor. This power isn’t native to the mortal world so it’s slowly driving it toward an absolute halt and peace.

[Layers of Ice]: Absolute peace drives its power directly from the frigid wasteland of Cania. As long as the ice there stands, this power shall never fade.

[Arcane Blood]: Due to the constant exposure to ice magic from [Absolute Peace] The host’s blood have being turned inside out as the formed shards of ice tear their way in. As the blood cells have endured this and adapted, this has given the host immunity to cold magic and resistance to fire magic as well as the innate ability to shape ice.


‘There is no way silver isn’t meddling with those, I can’t even see her spells!’ Cain’s first brain thought. ‘I detect a faint link to Cania, he seems to still have some control over the shard.

‘To think he just gave her a shard, aren’t those supposed to be important?’ The first brain thought. ‘Important is a subjective term, giving the shard to Isbert might as well serve him in some way, we have to ask him directly.’ Cain couldn’t find a way to cut the link, it was the shard itself linking to Silver and not the reverse.

“Why are you looking at me like that?” Isbert asked as Cain has been glaring at her for a while. “It’s uncomfortable you know? Just speak.”

Cain looked around, they were sitting in a nice room with three maids ready at the door. The couch was comfortable and the fire was lit, they were even served tea and snacks.

‘This isn’t the place to tell her, let’s talk about what we came for.’ The first brain thought. ‘We tell her later when we’re alone, she can decide what to do on her own.’

“You see, have you heard of the rebellion?” Cain asked sipping his tea.

“I heard, father and brother are dealing with it,” Isbert replied this job belonged to the king and the crown prince.

“Not from today. Let me explain.” Cain put his cup down and smiled.

Until that day, the two who held the most power were king Baltos and his son Cassius. Everything was fine since they never fought, Cassius held his father in high regard and was a relatively good son.

But with the recent rebellion, the nobles are claiming that the king is using power to keep Cassius in check and well his sisters. Cassius did declare that he wasn’t oppressed but they just said that he couldn’t say it publically so he had to lie. The people are confused about the situation which is slowly leading the kingdom to a difficult time.

Cain can’t just stand at the side of either of them, if he stood with the king, the nobles will say it’s proof the king is using Cain’s power to oppress and even control his son. If Cain sided with Cassius, the nobles will claim that they won and try to dethrone Baltos.

They even sent Cain a letter to go to the sea so he won’t interfere and give them a chance to work. If these continued three outcomes are possible.

Baltos will have to surrender the throne to Cassius. The nobles will then try and control the new king Cassius and shunt the previous king Baltos.

Cassius will give up his right to the throne and the noble will use that as an excuse to declare Baltos a tyrant.

None of them wins so the nobles will force one of the princesses to marry and take the throne. They are probably aiming at Sara, the eldest daughter. This is the outcome if Cain stayed at the sea and didn’t interfere.

“Can’t you do anything? You’re all mighty aren’t you?” Isbert asked, the maids behind them were clearly getting nervous hearing such a conversation.

Cain smiled, “Those mighty nobles, I can kill them all. Burn them, throw them into the sea. Anything I want, but I will be held responsible for risking the lives of those around me.”

“Then what you need me for, cover up for you? Impossible, even I can’t escape judgment by law.” Isbert said.

“At the kingdom’s darkest hours, the sleeping princess who had never involved herself in politics has stood. Picking up her swords and calling her trusted knights she took matters into her own hand, she sent assassins all across the kingdom to find and destroy the cause of the disturbance. It was later discovered that it was a secret criminal organization and the princess who eliminated them became a hero.” Cain waved his hands talking.

“What is this made-up story? The maids are listening you know?” Isbert understood what Cain meant, she as well knew that the maids behind them should have never heard this.

“Don’t worry about them,” Cain looked at the maids, “Come here for a moment.”

They all approached him in silence, “How is your day?” Cain asked.

“Nice,” They all replied at the same time.

“Would you mind leaving the room? I don’t want to keep holding you the entire day.” Cain told them shaking his hand.

The maids bowed to him and started to leave. Isbert called them but they never replied.

“A mix of [Dominate person] and a special spell. They won’t remember a thing.” Cain used Dominate person and Dragon’s modify memory to make it happen.

“You can do that?” Isbert gasped.

“I can’t do it to the whole kingdom though. That is why I need you as a front. I will deal with the nobles.” Cain knocked at the table with his fingers.

“I see, but are your skill really that high? Nothing strange will leak, right?” Isbert asked with a worried face.

“Why would that happen?” Baltos appeared in front of Isbert. She panicked, “Father? Where is Cain?” Cain was nowhere to be seen.

“What do you mean? I’m here?” Cain appeared in her father’s place, “Don’t underestimate my illusion skills.”

Cain used simple skills to trick her momentarily, “Was that magic?”

“And what else could it’s been, what I’m trying to prove is that you need not worry about the nobles. I just want you to say that I’m acting on your orders.” Cain spoke with firm words.

“Fine…” Isbert sighed, “Never had the intention to argue with you from the start. So how should I go about it?” She smiled.

“Let me think?” Cain scratched his chin as he usually does.

“You don’t have a beard,” Isbert commented.

“You’re right, I miss that long white beard.” Cain smiled, “Get me new armor and a title, something like Isbert’s silver knight. Or the kingdom’s blade will do, just something the people can easily recognize.”

“A beard…Fine, I will get everything ready.”

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