
Chapter 254

“A human? You smell weird.” The earth dragon said with a passive face. Thud! He immediately disappeared and Cain fell to the ground bleeding.

CLANG! The earth dragon stopped in place after he sent a punch at Chad. Chad only moved slightly to the side and dodged the attack while trying to counter.

A small wound appeared on the earth dragon’s forearm.

Cain stared at them as life was draining from him.

‘Maybe, maybe his father won’t be as hard-headed as in his past life.’


[Flesh and Mind Synergy]: The unique ability that allows a person to utilize all of his stats at the same time to achieve the desired outcome. This skill can only be obtained when reaching max stats.

[Blade Master]: The ability to wield all bladed weapons with proficiency

[String Master]: The ability to wield all stringed weapons with [proficiency

[Physical Resistance] Granted by the combination of 20 Strength/dexterity/Constitution

[Charm Resistance] Granted by the 20 wisdom

[Illusion Resistance] Granted by the 20 Intelligence

[Magic Resistance] Granted by the high MP




[Compelled Duel]

[Cure Wounds]

[Detect Evil and Good]

[Divine Favor]

[Searing Smite]

[Thunderous Smite]

[Wrathful Smite]

[Shield of Will]

[True Strike]




[Branding Smite]

[Summon Steed]

[Lesser Restoration]

[Zone of Truth]

[Mist Step]

[Locate Object]

[Aura of Vitality]

[Blinding Smite]

[Beacon of Hope]


[Dispel Magic]



[Motivational Speech]

[Crusader’s Mantle]

[Create Food and Water]

[Aura of Life]

[Aura of Purity]


[Death Ward]

[Staggering Smite]

[Charm Monster]


[Summon Elemental]

[Banishing Smite]

[Circle of Power]

[Destructive Wave]

[Dispel Evil and Good]

[Commune with Nature]

[Dominate Person]

[Summon Celestial]



[True Seeing]

[Crown of Stars]

[Lesser Resurrection]

[Antimagic Field]

[Future Sight]


‘Why did I even think of that.’

Even in his past life. Cain’s father refused to abandon his humanity and evolve and instead took the path of maxing his ability as a pure human. His fighting style was that of a paladin who smites his enemies with powerful magic and weapon skills.

Even with that, Cain was sure that his father would not be able to win alone. He had to support him, get Zaleria involved, and probably summon a higher-ranked Devil to help.

Cain looked at Kayden’s severed body, he must be dead so it was possible to use his body to summon a devil.

Alice immediately appeared beside Cain and started healing his wound. She wasn’t worried as she could feel a heartbeat inside him.

“We need to run away, Cain you teleport us?” Said Alice. She could feel the gap of power between them and the earth dragon. Their only sane option was to run away.

“Zaleria, are alive!” Cain gathered his strength to call her.

“Yeah, he cracked some of my teeth though.” Zaleria slowly stood up and scratched her chin. “This was the first time I felt such a hit.”

She was making it seem like she only got punched in the face but Cain could see multiple bruises across her body. The earth dragon wasn’t trying to kill but he seem to have wanted to immobilize her for a while.

“Come get healed, we’re going for a second round. Father wouldn’t hold him for much longer.” Cain said with a worried face.

Even though this was technically the first time he saw him in this second life. He did meet him in his past life. At that time Cain was emotional and angry about why did he leave his mother, why he never looked for them, and more. But after that, he did reconcile with him, because his father genuinely didn’t know that his mother got pregnant or that Cain existed (Due to the nature of Cain’s mother’s work).

“That’s your father?!” Alice gasped as she looked at Chad fighting the earth dragon. He and Cain looked nothing alike. That was because Cain took after his mother more than his father.

At that moment, Sofia, Gracie, Selena, Hati, Alen, and Rieth rushed toward Cain to check on him and hopefully find a way out. Except for Hati who was determined to die fighting the earth dragon who killed her father.

Cain explained the situation to them as they watched Chad fight.

[Future Sight] It allowed Chad to see one minute into the future. He combined it with [True sight] to see through the earth dragon feints and counter so he can react in time.

[Antimagic Field] Chad played the spell around him to prevent the earth dragon from casting spells or at least make it harder to cast.

[Circle of Power] Chad also kept this spell active around him to increase his raw strength and speed. He also combined it with [Haste] and [True strike] so he can manage to strike back at the earth dragon.

Each of his attacks was made with the blade that Cain made. And also accompanied by a smite spell to bolster his damage even further.

On top of all of that, he kept a [Death ward] Spell active so he won’t get one-shotted.

In Chad’s mind…

Chad could see two of the earth dragon. One was from the future sight and the other was the real one. Even though [Future sight] Makes him see one minute into the future, that future is always changing since Chad was dodging attacks that should have hit him. It was only reliable for a second at most.

He saw the earth dragon sending a straight punch, but it was a feint, and the dragon has switched into a low kick. After seeing this future, Chad immediately jumped to dodge the kick and ignored the punch. Surprising the earth dragon.

Chad swung his blade at the Dragon’s left eye. The eyes should be the softest parts. [Thunderous smite] CRACK! The loud shattering noise shocked the battlefield.

The earth dragon had moved his head slighting and Chad’s strike stopped at the dragon’s cheekbone.

“You cheeky human, learn your place!” The earth dragon growled as he tried to breathe at Chad.

BAM! [Destructive Wave: Shattering shock] Chad kicked the earth dragon in the face without worrying about the breath. Chad knew that he would instantly die of the breath released and that there is no way for him to survive. His only hope was that the [Antimagic Field] would work so he went in for the kick anyway.

[Destructive Wave: Shattering shock] As a spell sent waves of vibration into the earth dragon’s head in the hope to shatter him.

Chad was right and the breath didn’t come out. The earth dragon didn’t know that there was an Antimagic field around so he didn’t prepare.

The earth dragon stared at Chad in shock, who was this human? How could a mere human who never evolved be this strong? He can spell that he was a human and there was no mistake about it.

“You seem to be hard, let me call someone to help me,” Chad said as he started a spell in his palm. He was trying to cast [Summon celestial] and summon and call a friend of his.

Thud! The earth dragon took that opportunity to rush at Chad.

Chad stopped the spell immediately and dodged to the side as he has already seen the dragon attack. All that spell casting was just a feint to lure the dragon in.

[Banishing Smite] Chad swung his blade at the dragon immediately as he got in range. This time the dragon dodged the attack and backed away.

“You can see my attacks before they come, right?” The earth dragon was catching up to Chad’s trick.

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