
Chapter 76

“We will take turns sleeping, I will take the first shift so you can take a rest,” Cain said as he helped the girls prepare a spot to sleep on. They didn’t have that much on them to use as bedding, they simply chose a soft spot on the ground and used their bags as pillows.

It was a bit cold down there so they had to sleep close to each other, snuggling together like small kittens. Both Alice and Selena found the strangely warm Sofia to be an irresistible pillow. Cain touched her while she was sleeping to check if she had a fever, she didn’t have one, It’s just that her body kept its temperature stable even down here. Cain had expected at least her hands to be cold but they were warm.

Watching over the sleeping girls, Cain took his time thinking about what should they do next. Pushing down blindly can get them stuck or potentially facing an unbeatable opponent.

Speaking of unbeatable, he has leveled up and became level 5, which means he can finally use third-tier magic. It’s the sweet spot for every mage to stop learning spells and focuses on honing their skills.

Cain had learned an imaginable number of spells in his past life as an enchanter, now it was time to start playing for real.

[Notice: Spells have been added to the system] Cain was struck with severe headache as he remembered his spells, ‘I shouldn’t remember them all at once, it’s hard on my head’ Cain just focused on what he might need, a collection of the nastiest spells in his arsenal.


as the name suggests, turns a dead body into a zombie for a short period or as long as Cain keeps pumping him with Mana. 1 min/10 MP

Cause lightning to strike an identified spot, needs access to the clouds in the open sky.

Cause the caster’s body to blink between the ethereal and normal world for a second making the caster temporarily untouchable. If used for prolonged times can cause serious deformation to the body.

Counter another spell caster’s magic, needs to have higher intelligence and spell-tier.

Erase magic in a certain area, (A more powerful version of what Cain used to dispel the magic lock and a weaker version of what the Guild master used to stop the fight at the guild.)

Can conjure a weapon made of elemental energy (Wind, fire, lightning… Sword, spear…) and use them as a normal weapon, last for 1 hour.

Cause someone to feel intense fear, a more refined version of what bloodlust could do.

Just a big and strong fireball, spell casters seem to be addicted to using it as it’s rare to find a third-tier spell caster who doesn’t know the spell.

Gain magical flight for 10 min.

In Cain’s early days he was passed with mages living in a tower to the point he created this spell. It creates a two-story tower, each level takes one of the following shapes (Bedroom, a study room, a dining space, a lounge, a washroom, an observatory) Requires large space to use.

make something or someone faster, a higher version of swiftness.

The opposite of Haste.

A spell created by Sylph to camp in the wild, It can be cast as a third-tier or higher spell. The spell takes the shape of a 10 feet dome. The dome is immobile and made of pure Mana, spells and other magical effects can’t extend through it or be cast inside if they are of lower-tier than the spell. the spell has an 8-hour duration and ends if the caster leaves its radius or fell asleep, it takes 1 min to cast.

Unleash a lightning bolt from the caster catalyst.

Summon a lesser demon or devil for 1 hour. The same summon can be called again and again. The spell can be prolonged with additional castings.

Teleport for a short distance to a spot the caster can see, just like [Mist step] but this has a wider range, and instead of teleporting in a misty cloud the caster teleports in the form of a lightning bolt.


Cain chuckled for a moment, gaining access to third-tier spells meant that he was getting closer to his past self. Cain had chosen those spells because he had specific needs for them, each of them was essential for their survival and the success of his plans.

‘Let’s start, I haven’t played with magic in over a week already!’ In Cain’s perspective, it’s just been a little over a week since his reincarnation and he has already missed his powers. ‘What worth does the world’s strongest enchanter have without his magic?’ Cain questioned himself as he started doing weird hand signs.

With a drop of his blood, Cain used one of the new spells [Summon lesser Fiend].

From Cain’s shadow an ominous presence emerged, he instantly masked it with his magic to not wake the girls up. From the endless darkness, a small creature emerged. Taking on the shape of a red-skinned skinny goblin with horns, wings, and a ling tail with a stinger at the tip. the infernal fiend was called an Imp.

“If you just knew how much I missed you ugly little bastard!” Cain said remembering an imp that he had before as a familiar.

“Master?…What…human…weak…!?” The creature already found it hard to speak the human tongue but was cut short as he felt the monster sleeping behind Cain.

“An upper…Rank…!” The Imp crawled in fear to hide in Cain’s shadow, “Master…I can’t…fight upper rank!” The Imp was terrified, Alice mere presence almost had him faint.

“Don’t worry spindle, she is my wife and is already bound to me.” Cain assured the little create with a gentle pat to the back.

“Master…Contracted to an upper rank?!…” The Imp couldn’t believe it at the start but as soon as he sensed Cain’s magic he could feel the link he has with Alice.

“What do you say? I want you to work as a scout, you will rarely have to fight. Do you accept?” Cain tried to contract the little devil, Cain will provide him with Mana in exchange for his services.

“It’s an honor…To work with an upper rank!” The Imp seems to be more interested in Alice’s existence than Cain himself, The reason was simple, her being a stronger devil than himself.

“Than It’s done, nice to work with you Spindle!” Cain finished the contract. Quickly making the Imp his familiar.

“Master…Who is Spindle?” The imp asked with a puzzled look, he heard Cain say Spindle that and Spindle this but he wasn’t proficient in human language and wanted to knew what his master was saying.

“It’s your name!” Cain said with a smile, he had already named the Imp.

“Quack?” The Imp made a noise similar to a duck as his face tensed in surprise, “I don’t like… that name!” The Imp didn’t appreciate the weird sounding name.

“You should have said so before the contract was signed, now you’re Spindle the Imp!” Cain said with a smile.


Imp Magic:




Spindles stats were nice and normal, he was a lesser fiend so Cain didn’t expect some crazy skills but what he had was more than enough.

“I will introduce you tomorrow, for now can you start scouting outside?” Cain asked as soon as he confirmed the Imp’s well being, he was having any complication due to the contract.

Cain quickly opened a small hole for Spindle to exit the enclosure.

“Master cruel … breaking Spindle’s back on the first day!” Spindle mumbled in sad voice, with his head down, he flew like a dying fly.

“Don’t be sad Spindle, how about I have you teach the upper rank Alice?” Cain suggested, It was his first intention to have a devil teach Alice about devils, Spindle might be weaker than her but he knew more about how devils work.

“Spindle…Teach…Upper rank?” Spindle face lit up, literally a small fire emerged like an ahoge on top of his head.

Cain nodded, Spindle got energized as soon as he saw the gesture. “Spindle gonna be a teacher!” He growled in happiness and flew outside to scout.

Imps are simple minded creatures, they are evil by nature though. Cain need to be careful when handling Spindle or he might end up killing someone by mistake.

Looking behind him, the girls were still sleeping. He had expected Selena to wake up but she seemed fast asleep, she must have been exhausted after this long day.

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