
Chapter 69

Cain held his sword, carefully reading the Hydra’s intricate movements. He doesn’t have enough speed to face it head-on due to his low strength, he instead has to rely on his high intelligence to predict and dodge.

Monsters like this hydra are usually dumb, their attack mostly follows a set pattern. Cain did fight hydras in his past life and remembered their attack pattern well.

If you’re standing behind it at close range, you’re likely to get a tail slam attack. Be in close range in any of the other three directions and you will get stomped by its large feet. Mid-range behind it and you will get a tail swipe attack, the hydra will try to hit you with the tip of its tail like a whip. Be in any of the other directions and you will get a bite from one of the hydra’s six heads. On the long-range, the hydra will try to close the distance into the mid-range.

For its fire breath, It will only use it on large groups of enemies the hydra can’t get to. For example the soldiers on top of the walls the hydra can’t get to them so she used her breath.

The breath weapon is also limited, the hydra can’t just spam it for a single reason. The breath is not magical, It’s completely a natural weapon. When the food the hydra eats ferments inside its stomach, it produces a flammable gas that the monster can barf out. That is the main reason why its flame smells horrible.

To ignite said gas, a muscle-like organ exists in its throat that generates electric sparks similar to some types of fish. This combination allows the creature to breathe fire a couple of times after each meal.

This has meant you could kill a hydra by blowing it up from the inside if you managed to stab it in the stomach with a flaming sword. This was not a good idea as cleaning would be a pain, and it also might kill you when it explodes. When Cain sliced its belly earlier, he carefully evaded the stomach to not cause an explosion and kill himself.

Grawwwwwwwwwww! The hydra growled as one of its heads launched at Cain, just as before, VROOOOM! he dodged and sliced it up with the sword he just picked up. This time, Cain retreated immediately to not get hit again.

[Scorching rays] Sofia didn’t waste any time, burning the severed neck to prevent it from regenerating. The spell she used was quite effective with how it used the heat. The generates three rays, the first one drys the blood and moister from the wound, the second one heats it and the last ray burns it to charcoal.

Seeing how the plan worked smoothly, Cain attempted to slice the third neck. Surprisingly the hydra didn’t buy it again, it’s actively evading Cain.

‘Hydras aren’t supposed to be this intelligence, something is off about this one.’ Cain thought as he rushed to fight it head-on. If it didn’t attack him, he will not be able to slice its heads off.

“Cain, back down! It’s dangerous here-gaw!” Selena screamed. The hydra’s attacks were getting faster and stronger as it has lost two heads. Cain was too slow to keep up and Selena knew that.

“I have to trouble you with protecting me, I need you to make it attacks you!” Cain shouted back. If the hydra won’t attack him, he will make do with it attacking Selena as his bait.

Cain rushed behind Selena and without asking for permission he sneaked his hand to her back [Swiftness] [Lesser empowerment] It is better than nothing.

[Short invisibility] Cain disappeared into nothingness, he wanted to make the hydra as comfortable to attack Selena s possible.

It didn’t take long for the hydra to take the bait, attacking as soon as she saw Selena standstill in her place.

Selena easily evaded the attack, leaving matters in Cain’s hands.

VROOOM! Cain slashed the third head, the head fell off cleanly, and the hydra roared in pain and rage as it took a few steps backward. Cain’s sword seems to have twisted, the hydra’s scales were tough. It shows how well made the sword made by Dolrig was.

[Scorching rays] Sofia burned that neck quickly, the hydra now only has three heads left.

“Move-gaw!” Selena pushed Cain to the side with her shoulder as he was about to pick a new sword, easily breaking his left arm.

GRAWWWWWW! Thud! A loud-booming noise rang behind Cain, as he turned around to see why did Selena do that. She was caught in the hydra’s mouth.

“Selena!” He screamed, quickly realizing something. The Hydra didn’t manage to close its Jaws, Selena was holding them open with her arms.

The hydra’s fangs were poking through her palms as she tried to keep the massive jaw open. “I will help…” Before he could continue, he realized something even scarier.

Selena’s claws were digging into the inside of the Hydra’s mouth, her feet’ claws were buried into a large stone that was in the ground. The hydra’s neck is flexing as if it’s trying to pull back but can’t.

“GAAAAWWWWW!” Selena yelled her lungs out. CRACK! She snapped the Hydra’s jaw open, breaking it.

Cain didn’t waste more time admiring Selena’s ridiculous strength, what she just did was beyond what Cain expected from a 19 strength. VROOM! VROOM! It took him two strikes to slice the head as he was only able to use one hand.

[Scorching rays] Sofia was on the wait, quickly taking care of the neck.

[Holy healing], [Holy healing] Alice teleported directly toward Cain, partially healing both him and Selena.

“Cain, I hate to say this but I can’t stay morphed for longer!” Alice said with worried eyes, she was in her human form for far too long, it was about a full day.

“This was your and Sofia’s idea, you two better be ready for when we get home!” Cain growled, in an annoyed tone. He wasn’t angry, just the mess they got into was dangerous on many levels.

Hearing his words, Alice’s eyes twitched for a second before she ran back to Sofia.

Being severely hurt, the hydra’s primary instinct was to run away. Cain wasn’t going to let it go, not after what they went through.

[Mist Step] teleporting several meters above the Hydra, Cain pointed his hand downward [Firelance] [Enchanting]. mimicking a [Fireball] to save on MP.

As the crimson fireball touched the hydra’s back, It exploded into a burning rose. That explosion shocked the hydra and gave Cain enough cover to risk it and slice one of its necks. The hydra was left with only one head.

[Scorching ray] This time Sofia almost hit Cain. The neck was directly between her and him.

“ROAR!” Selena roared as she climbed and bit the last neck in Adam’s apple. trying her luck in suffocating the monster. She wasn’t that successful as she was thrown away very quickly.

Stab! A lucky arrow from the guards managed to get the hydra’s eyes. Not even giving the monster time to scream, Cain quickly took the last head off. [Scorching ray] Sofia burned it just in case.

“Is it dead-nya?” Selena asked, staying ready just in case it suddenly comes back to life.

“It won’t be coming back, relax,” Cain assured her, giving her a gentle pat on the back.

Being exhausted, Cain slowly approached the gate with Selena. “Cain!” Sofia called as she came rushing toward him alongside Alice. Cain quickly remembered what Alice just said.

“Dolrig, bring us a cover quick!” Cain shouted. It seems that he didn’t need to as Dolrig was already close with a blanket in hand. Sofia did ask him earlier when Alice returned to her.

Cain quickly snatched the blanket and covered Alice’s whole body, allowing her to partially revert to her devil form to relax. “How do you feel?” Cain asked, peeking at Alice’s glowing eyes inside the blanket.

“Like I just stretched after a long leg cramp!” She replied, confirming she was feeling better.

Cain also didn’t forget the worried face behind him, Dolrig could burst into tears at any moment now. Cain was certain the man was blaming himself for the sword.

“The soldier swords barely held for two strikes, you’re held for a whole three. Could you make me another one?”

Dolrig face lit up as she heard Cain’s words, “You bet, and It’s free of charge!” Dolrig declared proudly, feeling happy that Cain was still alive and kicking.

CRRRAACK! the portcullises slowly cracked open, allowing Cain and the girls inside. Dolrig went to quickly fetch his wagon.

Guards and people alike gathered inside, trying to have a look at the heroes that slew the hydra. As Cain and the girls walked in, the people spread out making a way for them.

As if not caring, Cain aimed for an inn. His goal, for now, was to get a room for Alice so she can rest.

“Would you care to come with us for a moment!” A guard approached Cain, he was wearing a unique armor designed for the squad leader.

A single cold gaze from Cain was enough to freeze him in place, the man knew well that his neck was easier to slice than the Hydra’s. Click! He saw Selena draw her claws, she also was ready for blood. His blood stopped circulating.

“Sorry, please come find us when you have time!” The guards wanted no trouble with an adventuring party that could take on a hydra.

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