
Chapter 417 The battle of the Royal Palace part 17

Miguel, who had joined them with Connor, said to Isaac : “You didn’t seem to be complaining the last time the side effects appeared on Jordan.”

Isaac really couldn’t argue with Miguel about this, after all thanks to these negative effects he and Jordan had ended up together.

But he also knew that Jordan hated losing control and having blackouts, so he would have preferred to make him avoid them as much as possible.

He wanted to approach Jordan but Jordan immediately said to him without raising his head : “Isaac, don’t come near me, you’ll risk coming into contact with these black particles, and it’s the same for everyone, don’t come near him, these black particles are really hard to handle, they try to attack me constantly.”

While Isaac could only clenched his fists in frustration and be there if Jordan would lose control, Caleb frowned and looked at Lena before asking Miguel : “Why wasn’t Lena affected then ?”

Miguel looked at this young girl who really looked like an Angel, she had long, fine, silky white hair, blue eyes the same color as the sky, and breathtaking natural beauty.

But what intrigued him the most was those particles of light that remained permanently close to her and that aura of benevolence around her.

Sora immediately stood in front of her as if to protect her and Miguel couldn’t help but muttered as the resemblance had just hit him hard : “She looks like a Paladin desperately trying to protect her Angel.”

He knew deep down that it was completely impossible, after all the world of Angels and evil creatures had been seal even before the war of the Warrior Spirits against the Gods.

But this was already the second time Sora had stood in front of someone to protect them and this defensive stance she was using looked suspiciously like the Paladins, so he said to them : “Sora, I’m not going to hurt Lena or ask her to do something she doesn’t want to do, so relax.”

But seeing that everyone was tense for different reason, Sora for Lena, Lena for this Titan and Isaac for Jordan, he decided to add : “To answer your question Caleb, let me tell you a little story, it will lighten the mood of everyone… And Jordan, if you feel you can’t do it anymore, let me know right away and I’ll go get Ian to come help you.”

Jordan then told him : “Thanks to the divine grade healing potions and the remedy for the mental fatigue you gave me, I should be fine, don’t worry.”

He had lifted his head and looked at Isaac as he said this, and his heart had raced when he saw the concern in his eyes.

He still wasn’t used to people worrying about him, but he felt less alone since he had agreed to join the Warrior Spirits, and especially since he had met Isaac.

He then wiped the sweat of his forehead and drank a divine grade healing potion to restore his Soul force and this special remedy to help him to fight the black particles that were trying to hurt him.

And after one last look at Isaac, he focused again on removing these black particles from Atlas’ body.

Miguel after seeing this felt reassured and so he started telling them his story : “Our universe is very large and many worlds exist, the Gods don’t control all of them and in a world far away from here, the Angels protect humans from evil creatures such as skeletons, zombies, vampires, succubi, three-headed dogs and even more powerful creatures.

Angels are humans who have no energy reserves, but they are loved by the particles of light.

They can use them at will and use them mainly to purify everything around them, the wounded heal, the human diseases disappear, nature awakens and blooms in their path, and although they prefer to use the light particles for good, they also know how to use them to fight those evil creatures.”

Sora’s eyes widened as he had just described exactly what was happening when Lena was present, and since she was an exceptional mage, she had always covered for her younger sister by saying that she was the one doing all this, because she had always been afraid that people with bad intentions would try to exploit her unique abilities.

Miguel, after seeing the confusion in Sora’s eyes, and the look Caleb was giving Lena, continued to tell them : “The Angels themselves choose the mages and fighters they deem worthy of their trust and make them Paladins.

Paladins then undergo intensive training before being sent out to fight evil creatures and they dedicate the rest of their lives to protecting others.”

Caleb had never been in such a world so he asked Miguel : “Are you saying that Lena is an Angel and Sora is her Paladin ?”

Miguel was puzzled too so he told him honestly : “The world I told you about is one that me and Elias found by chance… While we were in a world not too far from theirs, I received a distress call from them, but when I tried to locate this world to answer their call, I failed.”

He then said to them : “A multicolored portal then opened before us and too curious to resist the temptation, we crossed it immediately.

After it closed we found ourselves in this mysterious world and the Angels who welcomed us, after having made sure that we had no bad intentions towards them and their world, began to explain to us the situation of their world.

When the Gods still reigned as absolute masters on almost all the worlds, the Angels had created an alliance with the evil creatures to chase away the one who was in their world and they protected it so that no other God could ever come back.

The Angels and the evil creatures joined forces to chase away the God and the men who served him, and together they built a shield around their world to seal it off from the rest of the universe.”

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