
Chapter 270 - The Winds Are Howling And The Skies Are Roaring...

"Your fight is with me, beast!" The man that appeared out of the shadows said the last bit with obvious disgust in his voice, as if the world alone could have made him barf.

*ROAR* The lion tried to roar, yet when it opened its mouth and let out a sound that sent shockwaves toward Alan\'s direction, he was easily able to evade them, dashing towards the right and sinking into the shadows once again.



The loud sound of something hitting an unmovable wall rang out for a few seconds before being drowned out by the other sounds of battle.

However, even though it sounded like the thing that was hit did not move a single inch, this was far from the truth.

The beast had been immediately catapulted into the air before crashing into a boulder 50 meters away and shattering it into pieces with the lion\'s weight alone.

"Piece of fat crap, come on and get me" Alan smiled sadistically and disappeared into the shadows once again.


The lion quickly threw its paw towards the direction that which the shadow had begun to expand and rise from the ground, cutting Alan into three different individual pieces.

However, to the lion\'s dismay, the human it had just attacked had turned into a black mist that wisped away from the area before dissipating into the air, finally disappearing.

The next instant, the lion felt a soul-shaking pain from its behind getting deeper and deeper, causing it to screech, a screech unlike its masculine dominant side that it had shown before.

"ROA-EEEECH" It tried to roar, yet all that came out of its maw was the sound of a voice cracking alongside it shutting its maw completely, not wanting anyone to hear the disgraceful creature it had become.

On the other side of the battlefield, Gold had already begun charging forwards with her huge machetes covered in a blood-colored battle intent that caused many of the beasts to begin to back off from what they considered to be a fellow beast, one with enough anger and animalistic instincts to be considered a strong beast amongst their tribes.

This did not mean that they would not attack her though, as a matter of fact, they were more likely to attack her now with even stronger forces, it was just that the weaker ones had begun to back away due to their fear instincts kicking in, telling them to get as far away as possible from her if they did not want to see their own head flying off their bodies.

*SCREECH* The flying beast went and targeted her while informing every other beast in the area to move away from her as fast as possible, making even those who were willing to stay back and fight, shudder and dash away.

"I\'LL KILL YOU GODDAMNIT" She watched as the bird came closer and closer before finally doing something no one expected her to do.

She jumped.


Behind her, she left a huge shockwave that caused cracks to spread out on the bloody ground of the battlefield as the wind whistled while she pierced right through it, like a bullet shooting towards its target.

*SCREEECH* The bird once again cried out with a sky-shaking screech as it moved up its talons and pointed them at Gold who was shooting towards it at a terrifying speed.



Gold appeared on the other side of the bird, flying high above it with her blades in a slashing position as if she had just cut through something.

Before Gold could even comprehend what had happened, blood began to gush out of her shoulder while the same occurred on her torso as she bled continuously without stopping.

At the same time, on the bird side of the battle, a menacing aura exploded out of its body as it turned around and screeched at the top of its lungs, yet, the moment it had moved it felt a sudden weight get lifted off itself and at the same time, it felt a sudden imbalance in its flying.

Countless people began to look up as blood began to rain on them without stopping from one source.

\'She cut the legs\' Throid thought while looking toward the bird with a smile.

The legs had been cut completely off, but that was not what caused Throid to smile.

Instead, it was the amount of precision it took to do what she had just done, and even then, he could see that she was not finished.

While the legs might have been cut off, they were not cut off equally, therefore causing an imbalance in the movement of the bird and making it hard to avoid what was coming next.

The bird looked up in horror as a sudden sense of danger overwhelmed its being. 

It could only watch as the same little girl it watched take its legs away began to plummet towards it at an even more terrifying speed, and as if this was not bad enough, the girl was currently spinning like a Beyblade, cutting through the air like sonic the hedgehog and landing on the ground a second later with an even large kickup of dust.



The sound of flesh being torn apart by Gold\'s blades echoed in the ears of everything in the vicinity, but especially in Gold\'s ears.

She closed her eyes that had begun to wallow up in tears once again after remembering how her friend had died, and how she was the cause.

The thing was that everyone else while having been friends with gold for several years now, did not know her best friend.

She was the one who had wanted him to come along and at the same time, she felt as if she was responsible for his death due to her dragging him along

"I\'m so sorry..." She cried into her arms, ignoring the fact that a huge bird with no wings had begun to descend from the sky towards where her knees had buckled under the weight of her body alongside the intense amount of shame and sorrow that had landed on her shoulders the moment she saw him die.

The wingless creature did not stop descending, yet at the same time, no one dared to move from their place to help her out in fear that they would fall victim to her anger and sorrow.



A figure quickly swooshed through the air and smashed into the descending bird, feet first, causing it to crash to the side away from Gold entirely.

A muscular man descended from the place he had hit the bird and looked at Gold with pity before leaning down and giving her a tight hug. She tried to resist the hug, yet even after expending all her efforts she gave up and started to cry into the chest of the man that had begun hugging her.

Back on Xela\'s side of the battle, she watched as the huge gorilla moved towards her with killing intent bursting out of it in higher volumes as it got closer.




The skies roared in thunder while the winds screamed like widows in grief.

"With the power of god and the oceans, the skies, and the earth, the divine and the mortal, I ask thee to drop the mightiest of mighty, the strongest of strong, and the lightnings of thunder. Destroyer of worlds, I ask for one thing..."

The stone of her neck began to glow after the second charge was finally ready.

"Divine retribution" She muttered

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